# Integrated Chinese, Level 1, Part 2, 3rd Edition - Lesson 20 # Published by Cheng & Tsui, 2010 - ISBN 9780887276880 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 行李 [xíngli] /luggage/ 托运 [tuōyùn] /to check (luggage)/ 包 [bāo] /bag, sack, bundle, package/ 箱子 [xiāngzi] /suitcase, box/ 超重 [chāozhòng] /to be overweight (of luggage, freight, etc.)/ 超 [chāo] /to exceed, to surpass/ 登机牌 [dēngjīpái] /boarding pass/ 牌 [pái] /plate, tablet, card/ 登机口 [děngjīkǒu] /boarding gate/ 口 [kǒu] /opening, entrance, mouth/ 哭 [kū] /to cry, to weep/ 地 [de] /(particle to link adverbial and verb)/ 照顾 [zhàogu] /to look after, to care of, to attend to/ 起飞 [qǐfēi] /(of airplanes) to take off/ 小心 [xiǎoxīn] /to be careful/ 一路平安 [yí lù píng’ān] /have a good trip, bon voyage/ 叔叔 [shūshu] /uncle/ 阿姨 [āyí] /aunt/ 欢迎 [huānyíng] /to welcome/ 瘦 [shòu] /thin, slim (usually of a person or animal), lean/ 爷爷 [yéye] /paternal grandfather/ 奶奶 [nǎinai] /paternal grandmother/ 烤鸭 [kǎoyā] /roast duck/ 首都机场 [Shǒudū Jīchǎng] /the Capital Airport (in Beijing)/ # end