# Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Part 2, 3rd Edition - Lesson 18 # Published by Cheng & Tsui, 2010 - ISBN 9780887276880 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 文明 [wénmíng] /civilization, civilized/ 文字 [wénzì] /characters, written form of a langage/ 记载 [jìzǎi] /to put down in writing, to record; record, account/ 参观 [cānguān] /to visit, to look around/ 其中 [qízhōng] /among which or whom, in which or whom, of which or whom/ 部分 [bùfen] /portion, part/ 朝代 [cháodài] /dynasty/ 伟大 [wěidà] /great, outstanding, magnificent/ 思想 [sīxiǎng] /thinking, ideology, thoughts/ 学院 [xuéyuàn] /college, academy, institute/ 建立 [jiànlì] /to build, to establish/ 展厅 [zhǎntīng] /exhibition hall, gallery/ 皇帝 [huángdì] /emperor/ 统一 [tǒngyī] /to unify, to unite; unified, centralized/ 贡献 [gòngxiàn] /to contribute, to devote; contribution/ 修 [xiū] /to build, to repair, to mend, to fix/ 杀 [shā] /to kill/ 烧 [shāo] /to burn, to set fire to, to cook/ 千千万万 [qiān qiān wàn wàn] /thousands upon thousands/ 宫殿 [gōngdiàn] /palace/ 坟墓 [fénmù] /grave, tomb/ 兵马俑 [bīngmǎyǒng] /terracotta warriors and horses/ 基础 [jīchǔ] /foundation, basis/ 发展 [fāzhǎn] /to develop/ 称呼 [chēnghu] /term of address, to address as/ 丝绸 [sīchóu] /silk, silk fabric/ 关系 [guānxì] /relation, relationship, connection/ 进行 [jìnxíng] /to carry on, to carry out, to conduct/ 贸易 [màoyì] /trade/ 试 [shī] /poetry, poem/ 诗人 [shīrén] /poet/ 发达 [fādá] /developed, flourishing; to develop/ 技术 [jìshù] /technology, technique/ 曾经 [céngjīng] /once, at some time in the past/ 先进 [xiānjìn] /advanced/ 发明 [fāmíng] /invention; to invent/ 造纸 [zào zhǐ] /to make paper/ 火药 [huǒyào] /gunpowder/ 指南针 [zhǐnánzhēn] /compass/ 活字 [huózì] /moveable-type printing, letterpress printing/ 印刷 [yìnshuā] /to lead, to exercise leadership; leadership, leader/ 领导 [lǐngdǎo] /revolution/ 孔子 [Kǒngzǐ] /Confucius/ 秦朝 [Qíncháo] /Qin Dynasty/ 秦始皇 [Qínshǐhuáng] /First Emporer of the Qin Dynasty/ 汉朝 [Hàncháo] /Han Dynasty/ 西方 [Xīfāng] /the West/ 唐朝 [Tángcháo] /Tang Dynasty/ 李白 [Lǐ Bái] /Li Bai, Li Po (701-752 CE)/ 宋朝 [Sòngcháo] /Song Dynasty/ 清朝 [Qīngcháo] /Qing Dynasty/ 孙中山 [Sūn Zhōngshān] /Sun Yat-sen/ 中华民国 [Zhōnghuá Mínguó] /Republic of China/ # end