# New Practical Chinese Reader 5 - Lesson 51 # Published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2005 - ISBN 9787561914083 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 母爱 [mǔ’ài] /love of mother/ 显得 [xiǎnde] /to seem, to appear/ 成人 [chéng rén] /to grow up/ 各自 [gèzì] /each/ 匆匆 [cōngcōng] /hurriedly/ 当年 [dāngnián] /in those years/ 情景 [qíngjǐng] /scene/ 如今 [rújīn] /nowadays, now/ 冷清 [lěngqīng] /cold and cheerless, lonely, deserted/ 不知 [bùzhī] /do not know/ 便 [biàn] /as soon as, as much as/ 倒 [dào] /to pour/ 凑 [còu] /to make up the number or amount, to serve as a stopgap/ 双数 [shuāngshù] /dual, even number/ 亲自 [qīnzì] /personally, in person, oneself/ 不许 [bùxǔ] /not allow/ 眼泪 [yǎnlèi] /tear/ 扣 [kòu] /to place a cup, bowl, etc. upside down/ 涌 [yǒng] /to gush, to well, to pour/ 幢 [zhuàng] /(measure word for buildings)/ 喘气 [chuǎn qì] /breathe (deepy), pant, gasp/ 真是 [zhēnshì] /really/ 依架 [yījià] /clothes rack/ 玻璃 [bōli] /glass/ 书柜 [shūguì] /book cabinet, bookcase/ 柜 [guì] /cupboard cabinet/ 朝 [cháo] /facing, towards/ 灰尘 [huīchén] /dust, dirt/ 灰 [huī] /ash/ 地震 [dìzhèn] /earthquake, earthshock/ 震 [zhèn] /to shake, to shock, to vibrate/ 砸 [zá] /to pound, to smash, to tamp/ 竟然 [jìngrán] /unexpectedly, to one's surprise, actually/ 遇 [yù] /to encounter, to meet/ 枕头 [zhěntou] /pillow/ 挪 [nuó] /to move, to shift/ 脸 [liǎn] /face/ 侧 [cè] /side/ 从小 [cóngxiǎo] /from childhood/ 干燥 [gānzào] /dry, arid/ 干 [gān] /dry/ 燥 [zào] /dry/ 摸 [mō] /to touch/ 被子 [bèizi] /quilt/ 褥子 [rùzi] /tick, mattress/ 不安 [bù’ān] /uneasy/ 仰 [yǎng] /face upward/ 漫漫长夜 [mànmàn cháng yè] /long night/ 漫漫 [mànmàn] /(of place) boundless, (of time) long and slow/ 入睡 [rù shuì] /to fall asleep/ 张望 [zhāngwàng] /to look around, to peep/ 望 [wàng] /to gaze into the distance, to look far ahead/ 扶 [fú] /to support with the hand/ 擦 [cā] /to scrape, to wipe/ 矮小 [ǎixiǎo] /short and small/ 矮 [ǎi] /short, low/ 慈祥 [cíxiáng] /kindly/ 白发苍苍 [bái fà cāngcāng] /hoary-haired/ 苍苍 [cāngcāng] /grey/ 背 [bēi] /to carry sth on one's back/ 瘫痪 [tānhuàn] /to be paralyzed/ 吋 [cùn] /inch/ 轮椅 [lúnyǐ] /wheelchair/ 孝顺 [xiàoshùn] /filial piety/ 嫌弃 [xiánqì] /to dislike and avoid/ 争气 [zhēng qì] /to try to make a good showing, to try to win credit for/ 拖累 [tuōlèi] /to encumber, to be a burden on/ 难关 [nánguān] /difficulty/ 打扰 [dǎrǎo] /to disturb, to trouble/ 压力 [yālì] /pressure/ 乐观 [lèguān] /optimistic/ 强项 [qiángxiàng] /advantage, strong point/ 爱护 [àihù] /cherish, to take good care of/ 伤害 [shānghài] /to damage, to hurt/ 隐瞒 [yǐnmán] /to hide, to hold back/ 过分 [guòfèn] /excessive, undue, over-/ 羡慕 [xiànmù] /to admire, to be envious of/ 明星 [míngxīng] /star/ 空间 [kōngjiān] /space/ 催 [cuī] /to urge, to hasten/ 烦 [fán] /to be annoyed, to be irritated/ 处理 [chǔlǐ] /to deal with, to handle/ 飘 [piāo] /to flutter, float (in the air)/ 雪花 [xuěhuā] /snowflake/ 早班 [zǎobān] /morning shift/ 喇叭 [lǎba] /horn, loudspeaker/ 落 [luò] /to drop, to fall/ 抛 [pāo] /to throw, to toss/ 震撼 [zhènhàn] /shocked/ # end