# New Practical Chinese Reader 5 - Lesson 57 # Published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2005 - ISBN 9787561914083 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 婚姻 [hūnyīn] /marriage, wedlock/ 对于 [duìyú] /with regard to, concerning/ 坟墓 [fénmù] /tomb, grave/ 升华 [shēnghuá] /to sublimate; sublimation/ 危险 [wēixiǎn] /danger; dangerous/ 独自 [dúzì] /alone, by oneself/ 独 [dú] /only, alone/ 角色 [juésè] /role, part/ 必定 [bìdìng] /must, to be sure to/ 好汉 [hǎohàn] /brave man, true man, hero/ 熄 [xī] /to put out (light, etc.), to extinguish/ 同屋 [tóngwū] /roommate/ 发表 [fābiǎo] /to express one's opinions, to publish / 议论 [yìlùn] /to comment, to talk, to discuss; comment, remark/ 时刻 [shíkè] /(a point of)time, hour, moment/ 月光 [yuèguāng] /moonlight/ 洒 [sǎ] /to sprinkle, to spray, to spill/ 夜空 [yèkōng] /night sky/ 未来 [wèilái] /future, in the future/ 谈论 [tánlùn] /to talk about, to discuss/ 女性 [nǚxìng] /female, woman/ 解放 [jiěfàng] /to liberate, to emancipate/ 道路 [dàolù] /path, road, way/ 激动 [jīdòng] /excited; to excite/ 幼稚 [yòuzhì] /childish, purile, naive/ 少年不识愁滋味 [shàonián bù shí chóu zīwèi] /youth do not know the taste of worries/ 少年 [shàonián] /early youth (from ten to sixteen)/ 愁 [cháo] /to worry; worry/ 滋味 [zīwèi] /taste, flavor/ 骄傲 [jiāo’ào] /arrogant, proud/ 立即 [lìjí] /immediately, at once/ 甩 [shuǎi] /to swing, to throw/ 当 [dāng] /to treat as, to regard as, to take for/ 恋爱 [liàn’ài] /love, to be in love/ 要不然 [yàoburán] /otherwise/ 如何 [rúhé] /how/ 贤妻良母 [xián qī liáng mǔ] /virtuous wife and loving mother/ 贤 [xián] /virtuous/ 良 [liáng] /fine/ 美好 [měihǎo] /fine, happy/ 报答 [bàodá] /to repay/ 醒悟 [xǐngwù] /to wake up to reality, to come to realize the truth/ 大丈夫主义 [dàzhàngfu zhǔyì] /male chauvinism/ 大丈夫 [dàzhàngfu] /true man, real man/ 安稳 [ānwěn] /smooth and steady/ 写作 [xiězuò] /to write; writing/ 反复 [fǎnfù] /repeatedly, again and again; repeat/ 渐渐 [jiànjiàn] /gradually, little by little/ 焦急 [jiāojí] /anxious, worried/ 委屈 [wěiqu] /to feel wronged, to nurse a grievance/ 愤怒 [fènnù] /indignant, angry/ 碰见 [pèngjiàn] /to meet unexpectedly, to run into/ 坏人 [huàirén] /bad person/ 出事 [chū shì] /to have an accident/ 交代 [jiāodài] /to explain, to account for, to hand over/ 编辑 [biānjí] /to edit; editor/ 约稿 [yuē gǎo] /ask for contribution (to a magazine, etc.)/ 稿 [gǎo] /manuscript, article, draft/ 不时 [bùshí] /constantly, frequently/ 拖 [tuō] /to pull, to drag, to delay/ 沉重 [chénzhòng] /heavy, serious/ 脚步 [jiǎobù] /footfall, footstep/ 惊讶 [jīngyà] /surprised, astonished/ 吵架 [chǎo jià] /to quarrel, to wrangle/ 吵 [chǎo] /to quarrel, to wrange, to make a noise/ 公文包 [gōngwénbāo] /briefcase/ 公文 [gōngwén] /official document/ 堵 [dǔ] /to stop up, to block up/ 皱眉头 [zhòu méitóu] /to knit one's brows/ 眉头 [méitóu] /brows/ 追求 [zhuīqiú] /to pursue, to seek/ 灯光 [dēngguāng] /lamplight/ 照 [zhào] /to shine, to light up/ 内心 [nèixīn] /heart, innermost being/ 熄灭 [xīmiè] /(of a fire, light, etc.) to go out/ 灭 [miè] /(of a fire, light, etc.) to go out, to extinguish, to turn off/ 弥漫 [mímán] /to fill the air, to spread all over the place/ 温柔 [wēnróu] /gentle and soft/ 体贴 [tǐtiē] /to show consideration for/ 充满 [chōngmǎn] /to be full of, to fill/ 求教 [qiú jiào] /to ask for advice, to consult/ 暗暗 [àn’àn] /secretly/ 采购 [cǎigòu] /to purchase/ 正月 [zhēngyuè] /the first month of the lunar year/ 初五 [chūwǔ] /the fifth day of a lunar month/ 四周 [sìzhōu] /all around/ 俱 [jù] /all, completely/ 行动 [xíngdòng] /to act; action, activity/ 烫了 [tāngliào] /soup stock/ 大蒜末 [dàsuànmò] /garlic powder/ 大蒜 [dàsuàn] /garlic/ 末 [mò] /powder/ 伸 [shēn] /to stretch, to extend/ 鲜 [xiān] /delicious, tasty/ 粉丝 [fěnsī] /vermicelli made from bean starch, etc./ 无穷 [wúgióng] /infinite, endless, boundless/ 购物 [gòu wù] /to go shopping/ 酱油 [jiàngyóu] /soy sauce, soy/ 误 [wù] /mistake/ 腿脚 [tuǐjiǎo] /ability to walk, legs and feet/ 照 [zhào] /according to/ 鬼迷心窍 [guǐ mí xīn qiào] /to be obsessed, to be possessed/ 赌气 [dǔ qì] /to feel wronged and act rashly/ 临 [lín] /on the point of, be about to/ 公公 [gōnggong] /father-in-law/ 传 [chuán] /to pass, to send/ 骂 [mà] /to abuse, to curse/ 逼 [bī] /to force, to compel/ 嫂子 [sǎozi] /elder brother's wife/ # end