# New Practical Chinese Reader 5 - Lesson 59 # Published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2005 - ISBN 9787561914083 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 秘密 [mìmì] /secret/ 高考 [gāokǎo] /university entrance examination/ 总编辑 [zǒngbiānjí] /editor-in-chief/ 亲手 [qīnshǒu] /with one's own hands/ 般配 [bānpèi] /to be well-matched (as in marriage)/ 灿烂 [cànlàn] /magnificant, splendid, bright/ 偶然 [ǒurán] /accidental, by chance/ 惊呆 [jīngdāi] /stunned, surprised/ 呆 [dāi] /slow-witted, silly/ 穿着 [chuānzhuó] /apparel, dress/ 入时 [rùshí] /fashionable/ 手帕 [shǒupà] /handkerchief/ 理 [lǐ] /to pay attention to, to acknowledge/ 依旧 [yījiù] /as before, as usual, still/ 坚守 [jiānshǒu] /to stick to, to hold one's ground/ 原则 [yuánzé] /principle/ 冷淡 [lěngdàn] /cold, indifferent, to treat coldly/ 答应 [dāying] /to consent to, to promise/ 永远 [yǒngyuǎn] /always, forever/ 沉默寡言 [chénmò guǎ yán] /taciturn, reticent, of few words/ 沉默 [chénmò] /taciturn, silent/ 悲痛 [bēitòng] /grieved, sorrowful/ 去世 [qùshì] /to die, to pass away/ 响 [xiǎng] /to make a sound/ 顺手 [shùnshǒu] /conveniently, to do sth as a natural sequence, handy/ 话筒 [huàtǒng] /microphone, transmitter/ 似乎 [sìhū] /as if, seem to/ 吭声 [kēng shēng] /to utter a sound/ 录取 [lùqǔ] /to enroll, to admit/ 宁可 [nìngkě] /would rather/ 一晃 [yíhuàng] /(of time) pass in a flash/ 学期 [xuéqī] /term, semester/ 结束 [jiéshù] /to end, to finish/ 门卫 [ménwèi] /entrance guard/ 卫 [wèi] /to defend, to guard, to protect/ 误会 [wùhuì] /to misunderstand; misunderstanding/ 揭 [jiē] /to lift/ 苦心 [kǔxīn] /pains/ 隐藏 [yǐncáng] /to conceal, to hide/ 藏 [cáng] /to hide, to conceal/ 信封 [xìnfēng] /envelope/ 折 [zhé] /to fold/ 军人 [jūnrén] /armyman, serviceman/ 军 [jūn] /army, corps/ 告别 [gào bié] /say goodbye/ 边防 [biānfáng] /frontier defence/ 防 [fáng] /to defend, to guard against/ 前线 [qiánxiàn] /frontline, front/ 往常 [wǎngcháng] /in the past, formerly/ 阵地 [zhèndì] /position, front/ 石头 [shítou] /stone, rock/ 滚 [gǔn] /to roll/ 千钧一发 [qiān jūn yí fà] /in imminent peril (a hundred weight hanging by a hair)/ 钧 [jūn] /(ancient unit of weight ~ 15 kg)/ 发 [fà] /hair/ 轻伤 [qīngshāng] /slight (or minor) wound/ 奋不顾身 [fěn bù gù shēn] /to dash ahead regardless of one's safety/ 抢救 [qiǎngjiǔ] /to rescue, to salvage/ 救 [jiù] /to save, to rescue/ 牺牲 [xīshēng] /to sacrifice, to give up/ 返回 [fǎnhuí] /to return, to come or go back/ 返 [fǎn] /to return/ 遗物 [yíwù] /things left behind by the deceased, relic/ 遗 [yí] /to leave behind, to lose/ 孤儿 [gū’ér] /orphan/ 亲人 [qīnrén] /one's family member, dear one/ 凄凉 [qīliáng] /dreary, miserable/ 恩人 [ēnrén] /benefactor/ 恩 [ēn] /favor, grace, kindness/ 同时 [tóngshí] /at the same time/ 舍己救人 [shě jǐ jiù rén] /to save sb else's life at the risk of one's own/ 舍 [shě] /to abandon, to give up/ 放弃 [fàngqì] /to abandon, to give up/ 弃 [qì] /to discard, to throw away/ 痛苦 [tòngkǔ] /pain, suffering/ 纯洁 [chúnjié] /pure/ 重庆 [Chóngqìng] /Chongqing (name of a city)/ 绯闻 [fēiwén] /sex scandal, amorous affair/ 无聊 [wúliáo] /bored, senseless, silly/ 默默 [mòmò] /silently/ 权 [quán] /authority, power/ 蜜 [mì] /honey, sweet/ 实话 [shíhuà] /truth/ 玫瑰 [méiguī] /rose/ 老实 [lǎoshi] /honest, frank/ 秋月 [Qiūyuè] /Qiuyue (name of a person)/ 家英 [Jiāyīng] /Jiaying (name of a person)/ 书童 [shūtóng] /page-boy/ 女仆 [nǚpú] /female servant/ 相公 [xiànggong] /(term of address for rich or cultured young man in feudal China)/ 仁兄 [rénxiōng] /elder brother, my dear friend (used to address one's senior friend)/ 相逢 [xiāngféng] /to come across, to meet/ 有缘 [yóuyuán] /be predestined/ 指教 [zhǐjiào] /(polite term) to give advice or comments/ 人情 [rénqíng] /human feelings, personal relations/ 抱不平 [bàobupíng] /be ready to intervene on behalf of an injured party/ 结拜 [jiébài] /become sworn brothers or sisters/ 香烛 [xiāngzhú] /joss sticks and candles/ 分手 [fēn shǒu] /to part/ 离婚 [lí hūn] /to divorce/ 残酷 [cánkù] /cruel/ 痛快 [tòngkuài] /direct, straightforward, happy/ 张扬 [zhāngyáng] /to make public/ 歉意 [qiànyì] /apology, regret/ 信赖 [xìnlài] /to trust, to have faith in, trust/ 品格 [pǐngé] /moral character/ 理智 [lǐzhì] /intellect, reason/ # end