# New Practical Chinese Reader 6 - Lesson 63 # Published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2009 - ISBN 9787561925270 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 酒鬼 [jiǔguǐ] /drunkard/ 鬼 [guǐ] /ghost/ 横 [héng] /to park crosswise or horizontally/ 过路 [guòlù] /to cross a street/ 得 [dé] /to get, to gain/ 挡 [dǎng] /to block, to keep off/ 竟 [jìng] /unexpectedly/ 问道 [wèndào] /to ask/ 道 [dào] /to say/ 缺德 [quēdé] /wicked, unscrupulous/ 窄 [zhǎi] /narrow/ 骂 [mà] /to swear/ 脏话 [zānghuà] /swear word/ 围观 [wéiguān] /to surround and watch/ 弄 [nòng] /to work on (colloq.)/ 提议 [tíyì] /to propose, to suggest/ 碍事 [àishì] /in the way/ 理睬 [lǐcǎi] /to pay attention to, to heed/ 理 [lǐ] /to pay attention to/ 高级 [gāojí] /advanced, high-level/ 大款 [dàkuǎn] /rich person/ 大腕 [dàwàn] /top-notch artist, star/ 黑社会 [hēishèhuì] /the underworld/ 案件 [ànjiàn] /legal case/ 劫持 [jiéchí] /to kidnap, to abduct/ 现场 [xiànchǎng] /the scene (of an accident, etc.)/ 与其 [yǔqí] /rather than/ 报警 [bàojǐng] /to call the police/ 醉醺醺 [zuìxūnxūn] /drunk/ 醉 [zuì] /to get drunk/ 群 [qún] /(a measure word for flocks or groups)/ 胆小鬼 [dǎnxiǎoguǐ] /coward/ 胆 [dǎn] /gall, courage/ 四处 [sìchù] /everywhere, around/ 扳手 [bānshou] /wrench, spanner/ 装作 [zhuāngzuò] /to pretend/ 哼 [hēng] /to groan indicating dissatisfaction/ 怕事 [pàshì] /afraid of getting into trouble/ 掏 [tāo] /to take out/ 钥匙 [yàoshi] /key/ 车身 [chēshēn] /the body of a car/ 痛快 [tòngkuai] /to one's heart's content/ 叫好 [jiàohǎo] /to cheer, to shout "bravo"/ 纷纷 [fēnfēn] /one after another/ 大拇指 [dāmǔzhǐ] /thumb/ 不无 [bùwú] /not without/ 待会儿 [dāihuìr] /later/ 不过 [búguò] /only, just/ 仗 [zhàng] /to rely on, to depend on/ 点头 [diǎntóu] /to nod/ 得意 [déyì] /intoxicated by one's success/ 交警 [jiāojǐng] /traffic police/ 拖 [tuō] /to drag/ 通 [tōng] /to be open/ 急匆匆 [jícōngcōng] /to be in a rush, to be hurried/ 赶路 [gǎnlù] /to hurry on one's way/ 笑眯眯 [xiàomīmī] /smiling/ 壮举 [zhuàngjǔ] /magnificent feat/ 庆贺 [qìnghè] /to celebrate, to congratulate/ 撑 [chēng] /to prop up/ 冲 [chòng] /to direct toward/ 死鬼 [sǐguǐ] /hated person/ 误事 [wùshì] /to cause delay in work or business/ 蠢事 [chǔnshì] /foolish act/ 老婆 [lǎopo] /wife/ 混蛋 [húndàn] /jerk/ 解气 [jiěqì] /to let go of one's anger/ 使劲 [shǐjìn] /to exert oneself/ 方便 [fāngbiàn] /to use the bathroom/ 猛然 [měngrán] /abruptly/ 方向 [fāngxiàng] /direction/ 誉为 [yù wéi] /to be extolled as/ 芳香 [fāngxiāng] /aroma, fragrance/ 持久 [chíjiǔ] /to endure/ 关键 [guānjiàn] /key/ 河谷 [hégǔ] /river valley/ 酿造 [niàngzào] /to brew/ 微生物 [wēishēngwù] /microorganism, microbe/ 批准 [pīzhǔn] /to approve/ 原产地域 [yuán chǎn dìyù] /place of origin/ 地域 [dìyù] /region/ 发酵 [fājiào] /to ferment/ 允许 [yǔnxǔ] /to permit, to allow/ 添加 [tiānjiā] /to add/ 限制 [xiànzhì] /to limit/ 狠心 [hénxīn] /to make a painful decision/ 嗯 [ǹg] /(a nasal sound used to express a response, promise, or doubt)/ 车龄 [chēlíng] /bicycle bell/ 散架 [sǎnjià] /to collpase/ 车闸 [chēzhá] /brake/ 要紧 [yàojǐn] /essential, important/ 省得 [shěngde] /so as to avoid (some unfavorable condition)/ 公路 [gōnglù] /road/ 事故 [shìgù] /accident/ 昏迷 [hūnmí] /to be in a coma/ 警官 [jǐngguān] /policeman/ 猴子 [hóuzi] /monkey/ 出事 [chūshì] /to have an accident/ 嘴 [zuǐ] /mouth/ 猜想 [cāixiǎng] /to guess/ 握拳 [wòquán] /to make a fist/ 手背 [shǒubèi] /back of a hand/ 亲 [qīn] /to kiss/ 亲热 [qīnrè] /to show love through action/ # end