# New Practical Chinese Reader 6 - Lesson 64 # Published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2009 - ISBN 9787561925270 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 掌柜 [zhǎngguì] /shopkeeper/ 傻 [shǎ] /stupid/ 侍候 [shìhòu] /to serve, to tend to/ 主顾 [zhǔgǔ] /customer, client/ 罢 [bà] /(used at the end of a sentence to soften the time)/ 唠叨 [láodao] /to chatter/ 缠夹 [chánjiā] /to mix/ 黄酒 [huángjiǔ] /yellow wine/ 坛子 [tánzi] /crock/ 舀 [yǎo] /to scoop/ 底里 [dǐlǐ] /bottom/ 监督 [jiāndū] /to oversee, to supervise/ 掺 [chān] /to mix with/ 为难 [wéinán] /awkward, embarrassed/ 幸亏 [xìngkuī] /thanks to/ 荐头 [jiàntóu] /referee/ 辞退 [cítuì] /to fire/ 温酒 [wēnjiǔ] /to warm wine/ 无聊 [wúliáo] /boring/ 失职 [shīzhí] /to neglect one's duty/ 失 [shī] /to lose/ 凶 [xiōng] /ferocious, fierce/ 脸孔 [liǎnkǒng] /face (of a person)/ 声气 [shēngqì] /facial expression and tone of voice/ 活泼 [huópō] /lively, vigorous/ 至今 [zhìjīn] /until now/ 身材 [shēncái] /stature, figure/ 清白 [qīngbái] /pallid/ 脸色 [liǎnsè] /complexion/ 皱纹 [zhòuwén] /wrinkle/ 时常 [shícháng] /every now and then, often/ 伤痕 [shānghén] /bruise/ 痕 [hén] /scar, mark, track/ 乱蓬蓬 [luànpéngpéng] /messy/ 花白 [huābái] /grey, grizzled/ 胡子 [húzi] /moustache, beard/ 满口 [mǎnkǒu] /to have a mouthful/ 之乎者也 [zhī hū zhě yě] /archaic terms/ 描红纸 [miáohóngzhǐ] /the old-fashioned children's copybook/ 描红 [miáohóng] /to trace in black ink over characters printed in red/ 替 [tì] /instead of/ 绰号 [chuòhào] /nickname/ 伤疤 [shāngbā] /scar/ 疤 [bā] /scar/ 大钱 [dàqián] /copper coin used as currency in ancient China/ 故意 [gùyì] /on purpose/ 嚷 [rǎng] /to shout/ 睁 [zhēng] /to open (one's eyes)/ 凭空 [píngkōng] /without ground/ 清白 [qīngbái] /innocent/ 涨 [zhàng] /to be swelled by a rush of blood, to redden/ 额 [é] /forehead/ 青筋 [qīngjīn] /vein/ 筋 [jīn] /vein/ 绽 [zhàn] /to burst, to stand out/ 争辩 [zhēngbiàn] /to argue/ 窃 [qiè] /to steal, to burglarize/ 接连 [jiēlián] /on end/ 君子固穷 [jūnzǐ gù qióng] /A true gentleman maintains his dignity in poverty/ 引得 [yǐndé] /to bring, to cause/ 众人 [zhòngrén] /all the people/ 哄笑 [hōngxiào] /to road with laughter/ 快活 [kuàihuo] /happy/ 复原 [fùyuán] /to restore, to recover/ 旁人 [pángrén] /other people, bystander/ 当真 [dàngzhēn] /really/ 不屑 [búxiè] /to think something not worth doing/ 置辩 [zhìbiàn] /to argue, to justify/ 神气 [shénqì] /air, expression/ 秀才 [xiùcai] /person who passed the imperial examination at the country level/ 捞 [lāo] /to get, to win/ 颓唐 [tuítáng] /dejected, dispirited/ 模样 [múyàng] /appearance/ 笼 [lǒng] /to be covered with/ 背地里 [bèidìli] /behind someone's back, privately/ 谈论 [tánlùn] /to talk about, to gossip about/ 进学 [jìnxué] /to pass an imperial examinaton in the Ming and Qing dynasties/ 营生 [yíngshēng] /to make a living/ 愈 [yù] /more and more/ 将要 [jiāngyào] /to be going to, to be about to/ 讨饭 [tǎofàn] /to beg/ 讨 [tǎo] /to ask for/ 幸而 [xìng’ér] /fortunately/ 抄 [chāo] /to copy, to transcribe/ 脾气 [píqi] /temper/ 懒 [lǎn] /lazy/ 书籍 [shūjí] /book/ 纸张 [zhǐzhāng] /paper/ 砚 [yàn] /ink stone/ 一齐 [yìqí] /together/ 失踪 [shīzōng] /to disappear/ 如是 [rúshì] /like this/ 偷窃 [tōuqiè] /to steal/ 窃 [qiè] /to steal/ 品行 [pǐnxíng] /morality/ 从 [cóng] /all along/ 拖欠 [tuōqiàn] /to be in arrears/ 间或 [jiànhuò] /sometimes/ 现钱 [xiànqián] /ready money/ 暂时 [zànshí] /temporary/ 粉板 [fěnbǎn] /tally board/ 定然 [dìngrán] /certainly/ 责备 [zébèi] /to blame/ 每每 [měiměi] /always/ 引 [yǐn] /to cause/ 发笑 [fāxiào] /to laugh/ 谈天 [tántiān] /to chat/ 略略 [lüèlüè] /curtly/ 茴香豆 [huíxiāngdòu] /aniseed pea/ 配 [pèi] /to be qualified/ 理会 [lǐhuì] /to heed or respond to/ 许久 [xǔjiǔ] /a long time/ 恳切 [kěnqiè] /earnest/ 等级 [děngjí] /rank, level/ 好笑 [hǎoxiào] /funny/ 耐烦 [nàifán] /patient/ 烦 [fán] /to bother/ 草头 [cǎotóu] /a radical for grass/ 底下 [dǐxia] /underneath/ 指头 [zhǐtou] /finger/ 指甲 [zhǐjia] /nail/ 怒 [nǔ] /to pout (lips)/ 蘸 [zhàn] /to dip/ 毫 [háo] /a bit/ 热心 [rèxīn] /warm-hearted/ 叹气 [tànqì] /to sigh/ 惋惜 [wǎnxī] /to feel sorry for/ 碟子 [diézi] /dish/ 着慌 [zháohuāng] /to get flustered/ 慌 [huāng] /flustered/ 罩 [zhào] /to cover/ 摇头 [yáotóu] /to shake one's head/ 多乎哉 [duō hū zāi] /not many (archaism)/ 的确 [dīquè] /truly/ 折 [shé] /to break/ 仍旧 [réngjiù] /still/ 发昏 [fāhūn] /to lose one's head/ 举人 [jǔrén] /successful imperial examination candidate/ 服辩 [fúbiàn] /confession/ 晓得 [xiǎode] /to know/ 许(也许) [xǔ(yěxǔ)] /maybe, perhaps, possibly/ 年关 [niánguān] /the end of a year/ 端午 [Duānwǔ] /Dragon Boat Festival/ 立论 [lìlùn] /to present one's argument/ 讲堂 [jiǎngtáng] /lecture hall/ 预备 [yùbèi] /to prepare/ 眼镜圈 [yǎnjìngquān] /frame of glasses/ 斜射 [xiéshè] /to glance/ 合家 [héjiā] /the whole family/ 满月 [mǎnyuè] /(of a baby) being one month old/ 兆头 [zhàotou] /omen/ 恭维 [gōngwéi] /to flatter/ 许谎 [xǔhuǎng] /to lie/ 大少爷 [dàshàoye] /young master/ 女下人 [nǚxiàrén] /maid/ 阴沉 [yīnchén] /gloomy/ 闷热 [mēnrè] /oppressively hot and sweltering/ 老爷 [lǎoye] /master, lord/ 偷偷摸摸 [tóutoumōmō] /furtively, covertly/ 怯懦 [qiènuò] /cowardly/ 万一 [wànyī] /in case/ 矿上 [kuàngshang] /mine/ 爽直 [shuǎngzhí] /forthright/ 瞎猜 [xiācāi] /to make a random guess/ 急躁 [jízào] /irritable/ 自私自利 [zìsī zìlì] /selfish, egoistic/ 生气 [shēngqì] /vitality/ 任务 [rènwu] /task/ 卖主 [màizhǔ] /seller/ 扶贫 [fúpín] /to help the poor/ 提倡 [tíchàng] /to advocate/ 可怜 [kělián] /pathetic/ 正好 [zhènghǎo] /just in time/ 贩子 [fànzi] /dealer/ # end