New Practical Chinese Reader 6 - Lesson 67 # Published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2009 - ISBN 9787561925270 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski ( 贱 [jiàn] /cheap, low/ 隐深 [yīnshēn] /gloomy/ 明亮 [míngliàng] /bright/ 晒 [shài] /(of the sun) to shine on/ 懒洋洋 [lǎnyángyáng] /lazy/ 搅动 [jiǎodòng] /to stir/ 搅 [jiǎo] /to mix up, to stir/ 沉闷 [chénmèn] /(of weather) depressing/ 生气 [shēngqì] /vitality/ 琐碎 [suǒsuì] /trifling/ 单薄 [dānbó] /thin/ 寂静 [jìjìng] /quiet/ 衬托 [chèntuō] /to contrast/ 镶嵌 [xiāngqiàn] /to inlay/ 好比 [hǎobǐ] /to be just like/ 框子 [kuàngzi] /fame/ 悟 [wú] /to come to realize/ 私 [sī] /private/ 不妨 [bùfáng] /no harm in (trying, doing, etc.)/ 打通 [dǎtōng] /to break through/ 大自然 [dàzìrán] /nature/ 隔膜 [gémó] /estrangement/ 逗引 [dòuyǐn] /to tantalize/ 无需 [wúxū] /no need for/ 古代 [gǔdài] /ancient times/ 会心 [huìxīn] /to comprehend/ 等于 [děngyú] /to be equal to/ 凭眺 [píngtiào] /to look far into the distance/ 就近 [jiùjìn] /nearby/ 避暑 [bìshǔ] /to avoid the summer heat/ 许 [xǔ] /to allow/ 欲望 [yùwàng] /desire/ 占领 [zhànlǐng] /to occupy, to seize/ 适用 [shìyòng] /to be suitable for use/ 询问 [xúnwèn] /to inquire for/ 至多 [zhìduō] /at most/ 偷情 [tōuqíng] /to have an affair/ 顾(不到) [gù(budào)] /to take care of/ 拒绝 [jùjué] /to refuse/ 少女 [shàonǚ] /young girl/ 诗据 [shījù] /poetic drama/ 妙语 [miàoyǔ] /witty remarks/ 妙 [miào] /wonderful/ 物质 [wùzhì] /material, substance/ 形式 [xíngshì] /form/ 女婿 [nǚxu] /daughter's husband/ 丈人 [zhàngrén] /wife's father/ 看中 [kànzhòng] /to take a fancy to/ 中 [zhòng] /to hit the center/ 待 [dài] /to wait for/ 博取 [bóqǔ] /to try to obtain/ 欢心 [huānxīn] /love or liking/ 女郎 [nǚláng] /young woman, maiden/ 灵魂 [línghún] /soul/ 肉体 [ròutǐ] /the physical body/ 交托 [jiāotuō] /to commit sb with sb's care/ 门房 [ménfáng] /gatekeeper/ 寒暄 [hánxuān] /to exchange greetings and make small talk/ 方 [fāng] /just, only/ 来意 [láiyì] /one's purpose in coming/ 费 [fèi] /to take, to require/ 心思 [xīnsi] /thought/ 直捷 [zhíjié] /direct/ 学问 [xuéwen] /knowledge/ 捷径 [jiéjìng] /shortcut/ 引得 [yǐndé] /index/ 正文 [zhèngwén] /main body (of a book)/ 见得 [jiànde] /to seem/ 迂远 [yūyuǎn] /roundabout/ 常态 [chángtài] /normalcy/ 分别 [fēnbié] /difference/ 战争 [zhànzhēng] /war/ 变态 [biàntài] /abnormality/ 时期 [shíqī] /particular period, phase/ 保(不住) [bǎo(buzhù)] /to keep, to maintain/ 指示 [zhǐshì] /to direct; instruction/ 进化 [jìnhuà] /to evolve/ 阶段 [jiēduàn] /phase/ 奢侈 [shēchǐ] /luxurious/ 本意 [běnyì] /original intention/ 鸟巢 [niǎocháo] /bird's nst/ 巢 [cháo] /nest/ 兽窟 [shòukū] /den/ 过夜 [guòyè] /to stay overnight/ 意义 [yìyì] /meaning/ 避 [bì] /to avoid/ 陈设 [chénshè] /to display; display/ 思想 [sīxiǎng] /thought/ 娱乐 [yúlè] /to entertain; entertainment/ 悲喜剧 [bēixǐjù] /tragedy and comedy/ 悲剧 [bēijù] /tragedy/ 喜剧 [xǐjù] /comedy/ 场子 [chǎngzi] /a place (for a certain activity)/ 进出口 [jìnchūkòu] /entrance and exit/ 进口 [jìnkǒu] /entrance/ 出口 [chūkǒu] /exit/ 由不得 [yóubude] /not be up to sb to decide/ 清早 [qīngzǎo] /early morning/ 窗幕 [chuāngmù] /drape/ 招呼 [zhāohu] /to say hello to/ 雾 [wù] /fog/ 情形 [qíngxing] /situation/ 斟酌 [zhēnzhuó] /to consider carefully/ 约略 [yuēlüè] /approximately/ 猜 [cāi] /to guess/ 闭 [bì] /to close/ 假使 [jiǎshǐ] /if/ 物态 [wùtài] /physical state of a substance/ 嘈杂 [cáozá] /noisy/ 探胜 [tànshèng] /to explore/ 默想 [mòxiǎng] /to ponder on (or over)/ 默 [mò] /silent/ 连带 [liándài] /to be related to/ 尔尔 [ěr’ěr] /so-so/ 满足 [mǎnzú] /satisfied/ 故乡 [gùxiāng] /hometown/ 分离 [fēnlí] /to part or leave (for a long time)/ 亲友 [qīnyǒu] /relatives and friends/ 寻 [xún] /to look for/ 残冷 [cánlěng] /remaining cold/ 残 [cán] /remaining/ 红火 [hónghuo] /thriving/ 兴隆 [xīnglóng] /prosperous/ 指点 [zhǐdiǎn] /to instruct, to give guidance/ 并存 [bìngcún] /to coexist/ 挫折 [cuòzhé] /to suffer frustration/ 错过 [cuòguò] /to miss/ 善于 [shànyú] /to be good at/ 进取 [jìnqǔ] /to be enterprising/ 迷失 [míshī] /to stray, to be lose/ 炉 [lú] /stove/ 煤 [méi] /coal/ 眷念 [juànniàn] /to think affectionally of/ 辜负 [gūfù] /to let sb down/ 殷勤 [yīnqín] /eagerly attentive/ 思量 [sīliang] /to consider, to think sth over/ 燃 [rán] /to burn/ 前身 [qiánshēn] /predecessor/ 黑奴 [hēinú] /black slave/ 鲁莽 [lǔmǎng] /rash, reckless/ 栋梁 [dòngliáng] /pillar/ 富翁 [fùwēng] /rich man/ 捡 [jiǎn] /to pick up/ 枚 [méi] /(measure word for coins, small items, etc.)/ 硬币 [yìngbì] /coin/ 沟 [gōu] /ditch/ 保安员 [bǎo’ānyuán] /security guard/ 酬谢 [chóuxiè] /to thank with a gift/ # end