# New Practical Chinese Reader 6 - Lesson 68 # Published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2009 - ISBN 9787561925270 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 野骆驼 [yěluòtuo] /wild camel/ 野 [yě] /wild/ 骆驼 [luòtuo] /camel/ 生物界 [shēngwùjiè] /biosphere/ 生物 [shēngwù] /all living things, organism/ 赖以 [làiyǐ] /to rely on/ 宝贵 [bǎoguì] /precious/ 淡水 [dànshuǐ] /fresh water/ 陆生 [lùshēng] /terrestrial/ 延续 [yánxù] /to last, to continue/ 设想 [shèxiǎng] /to assume, to imagine/ 盐水 [yánshuǐ] /brine/ 盐 [yán] /salt/ 正如 [zhèngrú] /to be exactly as, to be just as/ 基金会 [jījīnhuì] /foundation/ 基金 [jījīn] /fund/ 主席 [zhǔxí] /chairman/ 灭绝 [mièjué] /to become extinct, to die out/ 珍奇 [zhēnqí] /rare/ 加以 [jiāyǐ] /(used before disyllabic verbs to indicate how to deal with the matter)/ 兴致勃勃 [xìngzhì bóbó] /in high spirits/ 兴致 [xìngzhì] /interest/ 奇特 [qítè] /peculiar/ 想象 [xiǎngxiàng] /to imagine/ 忍受 [rěnshòu] /to bear, to endure/ 硷 [jiǎn] /alkali/ 肝脏 [gānzàng] /liver/ 脏 [zàng] /internal organs of a body/ 本领 [běnlǐng] /ability, skill/ 好些 [hǎoxiē] /many, much/ 并非 [bìngfēi] /not/ 地区 [dìqū] /area, region/ 冒 [mào] /to pop up/ 看上去 [kànshangqu] /to look like/ 生长 [shēngzhǎng] /to grow/ 泉 [quán] /spring/ 周围 [zhōuwéi] /surrounding/ 逼 [bī] /to force, to compel/ 流浪 [liúlàng] /to roam about/ 固定 [gùdìng] /fixed, immobile/ 栖息 [qīxī] /to inhabit/ 三五成群 [sān wǔ chéngqún] /in threes and fours/ 头 [tóu] /(measure word for livestock)/ 成年 [chéngnián] /adult/ 健壮 [jiànzhuàng] /healthy and strong/ 雄 [xióng] /male/ 带领 [dàilǐng] /to lead/ 机警 [jījǐng] /alert/ 胆怯 [dǎnqiè] /cowardly/ 听觉 [tīngjué] /the sense of hearing/ 视觉 [shìjué] /the sense of sight/ 嗅觉 [xiùjué] /the sense of small/ 嗅 [xiù] /to smell/ 灵敏 [língmǐn] /keen/ 顺风 [shùnfēng] /to follow the wind/ 气味 [qìwèi] /smell, odor/ 一连 [yìlián] /in succession/ 奔跑 [bēnpǎo] /to run quickly/ 奔 [bēn] /to run quickly/ 顿 [dùn] /(measure word for meals)/ 绿洲 [lǜzhōu] /oasis/ 甘泉 [gānquán] /sweet and refreshing spring water/ 意外 [yìwài] /accident/ 狂奔 [kuángbēn] /to run swiftly and violently/ 恶狼 [èláng] /ferocious wolf/ 恶 [è] /ferocious/ 袭击 [xījī] /to raid, to make a sudden attack/ 交配 [jiāopèi] /to mate/ 性情 [xìngqíng] /temper/ 暴躁 [bàozào] /short-tempered/ 容 [róng] /to tolerate/ 赶 [gǎn] /to expel/ 恶斗 [èdòu] /to fight fiercely/ 直至 [zhízhì] /until/ 胜负 [shèngfù] /victory or defeat/ 至此 [zhìcǐ] /at this time/ 战胜 [zhànshèng] /to defeat/ 雌 [cí] /female/ 扬长而去 [yángcháng ér qù] /to swagger off/ 孤独 [gūdú] /lonely/ 怀孕 [huáiyùn] /to become pregnant/ 生产 [shēngchǎn] /to give birth to/ 胎 [tāi] /(measure word for embryos)/ 站立 [zhànlì] /to stand/ 行走 [xíngzǒu] /to go on foot/ 爱护 [àihù] /to take good care of/ 濒临 [bīnlín] /to verge on/ 国际 [guójì] /world/ 状况 [zhuàngkuàng] /situation, state/ 关注 [guānzhù] /to pay close attention to/ 予以 [yǔyǐ] /to give/ 取得 [qǔdé] /to achieve/ 显著 [xiǎnzhù] /remarkable/ 学术 [xuéshù] /academic/ 价值 [jiàzhí] /value/ 改良 [gǎiliáng] /to improve/ 家养 [jiāyǎng] /to domesticate/ 品种 [pǐnzhǒng] /breed/ 发菜 [fàcài] /a kind of hair-like vegetable/ 开什米 [kāishímǐ] /cashmere/ 求情 [qiúqíng] /to beg for (mercy on sb)/ 推出 [tuīchū] /to present to the public, to release/ 耙子 [pázi] /rake/ 欣慰 [xīnwèi] /gratified/ 响应 [xiǎngyìng] /to respond/ 广播 [guǎngbō] /to broadcast/ 代替 [dàitì] /to substitute for/ 绵羊 [miányáng] /sheep/ 山羊 [shānyáng] /goat/ 顺序 [shùnxù] /order/ 尖端 [jiānduān] /the cutting edge/ 籽 [zǐ] /seed/ 舌头 [shétou] /tongue/ 牙齿 [yáchí] /tooth/ 锐利 [ruìlì] /sharp/ 啃 [kěn] /to gnaw/ 再生 [zàishēng] /to regenerate, to revive/ 破坏 [pòhuāi] /to destroy/ 宣传 [xuānchuán] /to promote, to publicize/ 号召 [hàozhào] /to call for/ 非得 [fēiděi] /to have to/ 围追 [wéizhuī] /to encircle and chase/ 屁股 [pìgu] /buttocks/ 避难 [bìnàn] /to take refuge/ 国宝 [guóbǎo] /national treasure/ 恳求 [kénqiú] /to plead/ 淡 [dàn] /light/ 蓝色 [lánsè] /blue/ 蠕动 [rúdòng] /to wriggle/ 纯种 [chúnzhǒng] /purebreed/ 狼犬 [lángquǎn] /wolfhound/ 汪汪 [wāngwāng] /bark/ 哼哼唧唧 [hēnghengjījī] /groan and moan/ 贴身 [tiēshēn] /personal/ 保镳 [bǎobiāo] /bodyguard/ # end