# New Practical Chinese Reader 6 - Lesson 69 # Published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2009 - ISBN 9787561925270 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 诚实 [chéngshí] /honest/ 事实 [shìshí] /fact/ 假若 [jiǎruò] /if, supposing/ 打折扣 [dǎ zhékòu] /to detract from the desired quality/ 折扣 [zhékòu] /discount/ 出嫁 [chūjià] /(of a woman) to get married/ 嫁 [jià] /(of a woman) to marry/ 老太婆 [lǎotàipó] /old woman/ 外甥女 [wàishengnǚ] /niece, sister's daughter/ 推断 [tuīduàn] /to draw a conclusion, to infer/ 过得去 [guòdeqù] /passable/ 定婚 [dìnghūn] /to be engaged/ 讲究 [jiǎngjiu] /to be particular about/ 门当户对 [mén dāng hù duì] (of marriage) to be well matched socio-economically/ 做官 [zuòguān] /to be an official, to secure an official position/ 体面 [tǐmiàn] /decent, respectable/ 不幸 [búxìng] /adversity, misery/ 揣 [chuāi] /to hide or carry in one's clothes/ 克死 [kèsǐ] /to cause sb to die/ 独力 [dúlì] /on one's won, independent/ 抚养 [fǔyǎng] /to bring up, to foster/ 缝补 [féngbǔ] /to sew and mend/ 裁缝 [cáifeng] /to sew and to tailor; tailor/ 衣裳 [yīshang] /clothes/ 忙碌 [mánglù] /to be busy, to bustle about/ 收拾 [shōushi] /to tidy up/ 清爽 [qīngshuǎng] /tidy and clean/ 遗留 [yíliú] /to leave/ 石榴 [shíliu] /pomegranate/ 夹竹桃 [jiāzhútáo] /oleander/ 浇灌 [jiāoguàn] /to water/ 灌 [guàn] /to pour/ 命 [mìng] /fate/ 吃亏 [chīkuī] /to be at a disadvantage, to suffer losses/ 凡是 [fánshì] /every, any, all, whatever/ 有求必应 [yǒu qiú bì yìng] /to grant whatever is requested/ 吵嘴 [chǎozuǐ] /to quarrel/ 打架 [dǎjià] /to fight/ 宁 [nìng] /would rather/ 逗气 [dòuqì] /to contend or quarrel with sb over a personal grudge/ 软弱 [ruǎnruò] /weak, feeble/ 联军 [liánjūn] /allied forces/ 挨家 [āijiā] /house-to-house/ 搜索 [sōusuǒ] /to search/ 搜 [sōu] /to search, to hunt for/ 财物 [cáiwù] /property/ 墙根 [qiánggēn] /the foot of a wall/ 鬼子 [guǐzi] /devil (term of abuse for foreign invaders)/ 街门 [jiēmén] /gate/ 刺刀 [cìdāo] /bayonet/ 刺 [cì] /to puncture/ 而后 [érhòu] /from or after that time, then/ 衣箱 [yīxiāng] /trunk/ 箱子 [xiāngzi] /box/ 压 [yā] /to press/ 皇上 [huángshang] /emporer/ 血光 [xuèguāng] /bloody/ 火焰 [huǒyàn] /flame/ 饥荒 [jīhuāng] /famine/ 变乱 [biànluàn] /turmoil/ 兵变 [bīngbiàn] /mutiny/ 街市 [jiēshì] /downtown streets/ 火团 [huǒtuán] /fireball/ 内战 [nèizhàn] /civil war/ 昼夜 [zhòuyè] /day and night/ 枪 [qiāng] /gun/ 炮 [pào] /cannon/ 惊恐 [jīngkǒng] /frightened/ 饮食 [yǐnshí] /food and drink/ 筹划 [chóuhuà] /to plan and prepare/ 顾虑 [gùlǜ] /to worry, to have misgivings about; misgiving/ 岂 [qǐ] /(used to ask a rhetorical question)/ 寡妇 [guǎfu] /widow/ 心横起来 [xīn héng qǐlai] /to become desperate/ 个性 [gèxìng] /personality/ 传 [chuán] /to inherit/ 做人 [zuòrén] /to conduct oneself, to behave/ 宗旨 [zōngzhǐ] /tenet/ 法则 [fǎzé] /principle, rule/ 将就 [jiāngjiu] /to make do with/ 划 [huà] /to draw/ 界限 [jièxiàn] /boundary/ 生人 [shēngrén] /stranger/ 杂事 [záshì] /sundries/ 出头露面 [chūtóu lòu miàn] /to appear in public/ 露 [lòu] /to show/ 非…不可 [fēi ... bùkě] /simply must, to have got to/ 私塾 [sīshú] /old-style private school/ 经历 [jīnglì] /to experience; experience/ 起码 [qǐmǎ] /at least/ 识字 [shízì] /to be literate/ 一致 [yízhì] /consistent/ 手艺 [shǒuyì] /skill/ 应当 [yīngdāng] /ought to, should/ 勤劳 [qínláo] /hardworking, industrious/ 困苦 [kùnkǔ] /poor/ 升学 [shēngxué] /to go to a school of a higher grade/ 偷偷 [tōutōu] /stealthily, secretly/ 师范 [shīfàn] /normal school/ 制服 [zhìfú] /uniform/ 饭食 [fànshí] /food/ 宿处 [sùchù] /accomodation/ 供给 [gōngjǐ] /to supply/ 入学 [rùxué] /to enter school, to enroll in school/ 保证金 [bǎozhèngjīn] /deposit/ 巨款 [jùkuǎn] /large amount of money/ 作难 [zuònán] /to make things difficult for someone/ 筹 [chóu] /to prepare/ 不辞 [bùcí] /not to decline/ 劳苦 [láokǔ] /toilsome/ 出息 [chūxi] /prospects, bright future/ 不曾 [bùcéng] /never/ 合眼 [héyǎn] /to close one's eyes/ 歇 [xiē] /to have a rest/ 疼爱 [téng’ài] /to love dearly, to be very fond of/ 偏爱 [piān’ài] /to have partiality for/ 共同 [gòngtóng] /common, mutual/ 撑持 [chēngchí] /to support, to prop up/ 割 [gē] /to cut with a knife/ 便利 [biànlì] /convenient/ 青春 [qīngchūn] /youth/ 冰 [bīng] /ice/ 血色 [xuèsè] /redness of the skin/ 阴历 [yīnlì] /lunar calendar/ 嘴唇 [zuǐchún] /lip/ 门框 [ménkuàng] /door frame/ 徐徐 [xúxú] /slow/ 依顺 [yīshùn] /to follow/ 设 [shè] /to set up/ 轨道 [guǐdào] /railway, orbit/ 前进 [qiánjìn] /to advance, to go forward/ 伤心 [shāngxīn] /grieved, heartbroken/ 说情 [shuōqíng] /to intercede (for sb)/ 打击 [dǎjī] /to strike/ 逆子 [nìzǐ] /unfilial child/ 大寿 [dàshòu] /important birthday/ 异域 [yìyù] /foreign country/ 想念 [xiǎngniàn] /to miss/ 幼子 [yòuzǐ] /the youngest son/ 逃 [táo] /to escape, to flee/ 占据 [zhànjù] /to occupy/ 日夜 [rìyè] /day and night/ 惦念 [diànniàn] /to keep thinking about/ 惦 [diàn] /to be concerned about/ 家信 [jiāxìn] /letter to or from home/ 起居 [qǐjū] /daily life/ 疑虑 [yílǜ] /misgiving/ 害怕 [hàipà] /to be afraid of/ 念(挂念) [niàn (guàniàn)] /to miss, to think of/ 流亡 [liúwáng] /to go into exile/ 孤苦 [gūkǔ] /lonely and wretched/ 不忍 [bùrěn] /cannot bear, not to have the heart to do/ 相告 [xiānggào] /to tell/ 祝寿 [zhùshòu] /to congratulate on one's birthday/ 算计 [suànjì] /to calculate, to reckon/ 到达 [dàodá] /to arrive/ 嘱咐 [zhǔfù] /to exhort/ 千万 [qiānwàn] /to be sure, must/ 详情 [xiángqíng] /detailed information/ 劳军 [láojūn] /to reward the victorious army/ 就寝 [jiùqǐn] /to go to bed/ 血汗 [xuèhàn] /sweat and blood/ 感化 [gǎnhuà] /to influence and reform/ 一世 [yíshì] /all one's life/ 未曾 [wèicéng] /never/ 享福 [xiǎngfú] /to enjoy a happy life/ 临 [lín] /to approach/ 粗粮 [cūliáng] /coarse food grains, roughage/ 七七抗战 [Qī-qī Kàngzhàn] /July 7th Incident of 1937/ 传 [zhuàn] /biography/ 认氏 [rénshì] /person/ 相貌 [xiàngmào] /appearance, facial features/ 脑子 [nǎozi] /brain/ 记性 [jìxing] /memory/ 精明 [jīngmíng] /smart, shrewd/ 钱铺 [qiánpù] /old-style bank/ 精细 [jīngxì] /careful and attentive, subtle/ 赔小心 [péi xiǎoxīn /to apologize/ 瞪眼 [dèngyǎn] /to stare/ 一命呜呼 [yí mìng wūhū] /to die/ 格言 [géyán] /motto/ 直隶省 [Zhílì Shěng /Zhili (now Hebei) Province/ 展开 [zhǎnkāi] /to open up, to start/ 评价 [píngjià] /to appraise, to evaluate/ 批判性 [pīpànxìng] /criticism/ 批判 [pīpàn] /to criticise/ 压抑 [yāyì] /to oppress/ 笔触 [bǐchù] /style of writing or drawing/ 体味 [tǐwèi] /to taste, to appreciate/ 悲怆 [bēichuàng] /sorrowful/ 积水潭 [Jīshuǐ Tán] /Jishui Pond (place in Beijing)/ 太平湖 [Tàipíng Hú] /Taiping Lake (place in Beijing)/ 妓院 [jìyuàn] /brothel/ 结识 [jiéshí] /to make the acquaintance of/ 统治 [tǒngzhì] /to dominate, to reign, to rule/ 抛弃 [pāoqì] /to abandon, to discard/ 荣华富贵 [rónghuá fùguì] /fame and fortune/ 曲解 [qūjiě] /to misunderstand/ 初衷 [chūzhōng] /original intent/ 冷落 [lěngluò] /to give sb the cold shoulder/ 动摇 [dòngyáo] /to waver, to shake/ 信念 [xìnniàn] /faith, belief/ 年迈 [niánmài] /aged/ 体衰 [tǐshuāi] /old and feeble/ # end