# Practical Chinese Reader Book 2 - Lesson 33 # Published by The Commercial Press, Beijing 1996 - ISBN 7100000890 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 下雨 [xiàyǔ] /to rain/ 雨 [yǔ] /rain/ 敲 [qiāo] /to knock (at a door)/ 公园 [gōngyuán] /park/ 红叶 [hóngyè] /red autumnal leaves (of the maple, etc.)/ 树 [shù] /tree/ 叶子 [yèzi] /leaf/ 热 [rè] /hot/ 觉得 [juéde] /to think, to feel/ 最 [zuì] /best, most, least, to the highest (lowest) degree/ 晴 [qíng] /(of weather) fine, bright, clear/ 冷 [lěng] /cold/ 刮风 [guāfēng] /to blow (said of wind)/ 风 [fēng] /wind/ 雪 [xuě] /snow/ 梅花 [méihuā] /plum blossom/ 怕 [pà] /to be afraid, to fear/ 开花儿 [kāi huār] /(of flowers) to open out, blossom/ 古 [gǔ] /ancient/ 诗 [shī] /poem, poetry, verse/ 首 [shǒu] /(a measure word)/ 隆冬 [lóngdōng] /midwinter, the depth of winter/ 百 [bǎi] /hundred/ 迹 [jī] /trace, track, sign/ 绝 [jué] /to disappear, to vanish absolutely/ 屈服 [qūfú] /to surrender, to yield/ 立 [lì] /to stand, to erect/ 颐和园 [Yíhéyuán] /Summer Palace/ 香山 [Xiāngshān] /Fragrance Hill (Park)/ 陈毅 [Chén Yì] /Chen Yi (name of a person)/ 雾 [wù] /fog, mist/ 凉快 [liángkuai] /nice and cold, pleasantly cool/ 春天 [chūntiān] /spring/ 预报 [yùbào] /forecast/ 阴天 [yīntiān] /cloudy day, overcast day/ 度 [dù] /(a measure word), degree/ 习惯 [xíguàn] /to be used to, to be accustomed to; habit, custom/ 暖和 [nuǎnhuo] /warm, nice and warm/ # end