# Practical Chinese Reader Book 2 - Lesson 46 # Published by The Commercial Press, Beijing 1996 - ISBN 7100000890 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 把 [bǎ] /(a preposition)/ 药 [yào] /medicine/ 疼 [téng] /ache, pain, sore/ 咳嗽 [késou] /to cough/ 舒服 [shūfu] /comfortable, well/ 窗户 [chuānghu] /window/ 关 [guān] /to close, to shut/ 可能 [kěnéng] /may, probably, possible/ 感冒 [gǎnmào] /to catch cold; (common) cold/ 发烧 [fā shāo] /to have a fever/ 厉害 [lìhai] /serious, terrible/ 医院 [yīyuán] /hospital/ 住院 [zhù yuàn] /to be in hospital, to be hospitalized/ 病房 [bìngfáng] /ward (of a hospital)/ 躺 [tǎng] /to lie/ 手 [shǒu] /hand/ 立刻 [lìkè] /immediately, at once/ 录音机 [lùyīnjī] /(tape) recorder/ 录音 [lù yīn] /to record; recording/ 打针 [dǎ zhēn] /to give or have an injection/ 针 [zhēn] /injection, needle/ 体温 [tǐwēn] /(body) temperature/ 姥姥 [lǎolao] /(maternal) grandmother, grandma/ 种 [zhòng] /to grow, to plant/ 小声 [xiǎoshēng] /in a low voice; (speak) in whispers/ 包 [bāo] /to wrap, to make (dumplings)/ 饺子 [jiǎozi] /dumpling/ 病人 [bìngrén] /patient, invalid/ 护士 [hùshi] /nurse/ 挂号证 [guàhàozhèng] /register card/ 科 [kē] /department (of internal medicine, etc.)/ 大便 [dàbiàn] /stool, human excrement/ 解 [jiě] /to relieve oneself/ 药方 [yàofāng] /prescription/ 药剂士 [yàojìshì] /druggist, pharmacist/ 片 [piàn] /(a measure word), tablets/ # end