# Practical Chinese Reader Book 3 - Lesson 10 # Published by The Commercial Press, Beijing 1996 - ISBN 710000904 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 旅馆 [lǚguǎn] /hotel/ 树林 [shùlín] /woods, grove/ 放出 [fàng chū] /to let off, to give out/ 优美 [yōuměi] /graceful, fine/ 太极剑 [tàijíjiàn] /taijijian (a kind of traditional Chinese swordplay)/ 胡子 [húzi] /beard, moustache, or whiskers/ 身 [shēn] /(a measure word used for clothes), suit/ 裤(子) [kù(zi)] /trousers, pants/ 武术 [wǔshù] /wushu (Chinese martial art, form of exercise)/ 感(兴趣) [gǎn(xìngqù)] /to feel, to take (or have) an interest in sth/ 不论 [búlùn] /no matter (what, who, how, etc.), whether ... or ..., regardless of/ 坚持 [jiānchí] /to persist in, to uphold, to insist on/ 举 [jú] /to lift, to hold up, to cit, to enumerate/ 例子 [lìzi] /example, instance/ 肝炎 [gānyán] /hepatitis/ 肝 [gān] /liver/ 弱 [ruò] /weak, feeble/ 钟 [zhōng] /clock, time as measured in hours and minutes/ 复杂 [fùzá] /complicated, complex/ 加上 [jiā shàng] /to put in, to add, plus/ 治疗 [zhìliáo] /to treat, to cure/ 恢复 [huīfù] /to recover, to regain/ 评 [píng] /to judge, to choose (by public appraisal)/ 先进 [xiānjìn] /advanced/ 爱好者 [àihàozhě] /lover (of art, sport, etc.), fan/ 爱好 [àihào] /to like, to be fond of, to be keen on; interest, hobby/ 业余 [yèyú] /sparetime, amateur/ 义务 [yìwù] /volunteer, voluntary; duty, obligation/ 气功 [qìgōng] /qigong (system of deep breathing exercises)/ 传统 [chuántǒng] /tradition/ 体育 [tǐyù] /physical culture, physical training, sports/ 项目 [xiàngmù] /item/ 胖子 [pàngzi] /fat person, fatty/ 胖 [pàng] /fat, plump/ 减肥 [jiǎn féi] /to lose weight/ 减 [jiǎn] /to reduce, to decrease/ 居民 [jūmín] /resident, inhabitant/ 区 [qū] /area, district/ 乒乓球台 [pīngpāngqiútái] /table-tennis table/ 乒乓球 [pīngpāngqiú] /ping-pong, table-tennis/ 球台 [qiútái] /table (for games using balls)/ 球网 [qiúwǎng] /net (for ball games)/ 激烈 [jīliè] /intense, acute/ 加油 [jiā yóu] /to make an extra effort, to cheer sb on/ 打不过 [dǎ bu guò] /not to be able to defeat or beat sb, to be no match for/ 对手 [duìshǒu] /opponent, adversay, match/ 个子 [gèzi] /height, stature, build/ 条件 [tiáojiàn] /condition, factor/ 入迷 [rù mí] /to be fascinated, to be enchanted/ 起…作用 [qǐ...zuòyòng] /to play the role of .../ 作用 [zuòyòng] /effect; to play a role/ 冠军 [guànjūn] /champion/ 跑步 [pǎo bù] /to run/ 滑雪 [huá xuě] /skiing/ 体操 [tǐcāo] /gymnastics/ 足球迷 [zúqiúmí] /football fan/ …迷 [...mí] /fan, enthusiast/ 锦标赛 [jǐnbiāosài] /championship contest, championships/ 锦标 [jǐnbiāo] /prize, title/ 不行 [bù xíng] /to be no good at, not be capable/ 行 [xíng] /all right, capable, competant/ 亚军 [yàjūn] /second place (in a sports contest), runner-up/ 以 [yǐ] /by, with/ 局 [jú] /(a measure word used for games), set, round/ 平 [píng] /flat, level, equal, to make the same score, to tie, to draw/ # end