# Practical Chinese Reader Book 4 - Lesson 19 # Published by The Commercial Press, Beijing 1996 - ISBN 710000912 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 家 [jiā] /(nominal suffix equivalent to -er, -or, -ist, etc.) / 小麦 [xiǎomài] /wheat/ 高产 [gāo chǎn] /high yield (or production)/ 稳产 [wěn chǎn] /stable yield (or production)/ 成本 [chéngběn] /cost/ 报告 [bàogào] /to report; report/ 栽培 [zāipéi] /to cultivate, to grow/ 取得 [qǔdé] /to achieve, to obtain/ 会场 [huìchǎng] /meeting-place, conference (or assembly) hall/ 规定 [guīdìng] /to formulate, to make a rule; rule, regulation/ 有机肥 [yǒujīféi] /organic fertilizer (or manure)/ 推广 [tuīguǎng] /to popularize, to spread/ 家乡 [jiāxiāng] /native place, hometown/ 亩 [mǔ] /mu (unit of area = 0.0667 hectares)/ 自然 [zìrán] /nature; natural/ 差 [chà] /poor, not up to standard/ 收成 [shōucheng] /harvest/ 极 [jí] /extremely/ 落后 [luòhòu] /backward; to fall behind, to lag behind/ 穗 [suì] /the ear (of wheat)/ 种子 [zhǒngzi] /seed/ [培育 [péiyù] /to cultivate, to breed/ 单位 [dānwèi] /unit/ 生长 [shēngzhǎng] /to grow/ 田 [tián] /field/ 蹲 [dūn] /to squat/ 苗 [miáo] /seedling, young plant/ 渴 [kě] /thirsty/ 总结 [zǒngjié] /to summarize, to sum up; summary/ 罗卜 [luóbo] /radish/ 浇 [jiāo] /to water, to pour (or sprinkle) water on/ 流 [liú] /to flow/ 增产 [zēngchǎn] /to increase production/ 庙会 [miàohuì] /temple fair/ 成千上万 [chéngqiānshàngwàn] /(of people) tens of thousands, thousands upon thousands/ 踩 [cǎi] /to tread, to step on/ 光 [guāng] /bare, light/ 返青 [fǎn qīng] /(of winter crops) to turn green/ 壮 [zhuàng] /strong/ 现象 [xiànxiàng] /phenomenon/ 猪 [zhū] /pig/ 垂 [chuí] /to hang down, to droop/ 肥料 [féiliào] /fertilizer, manure/ 控制 [kòngzhì] /to control/ 竖 [shù] /vertical, uprights; to prick up (one's ear)/ 瘦弱 [shòuruò] /thin and weak, emaciated/ 驴 [lǘ] /donkey/ 亩产 [mǔ chǎn] /per mu yield/ 稳定 [wěndìng] /stable, steady; to stabilize/ 超过 [chāoguò] /to surpass, to outstrip, to exceed/ 降低 [jiàngdī] /to reduce, to decrease/ 省 [shěng] /province/ 讲师 [jiǎngshī] /lecturer/ 课程 [kèchéng] /course, curriculum/ 著作 [zhùzuò] /works, writing/ 生产大队 [shēngchǎn dàduì] /production brigade/ 作物 [zuòwù] /crop/ 收获 [shōuhuò] /harvest, to harvest/ 产区 [chǎnqū] /(wheat-producing) area/ 期待 [qīdài] /to expect, to await, to look forward to/ 农贸市场 [nóngmào shìchǎng] /agricultural produce show/ 市场 [shìchǎng] /market, marketplace, bazzar/ 顺便 [shùnbiàn] /in passing/ 斤 [jīn] /jin (unit of weight = 0.5 kg)/ 红烧 [hóngshāo] /(of fish, pork, etc.) to be braised in soy sauce/ 新鲜 [xīnxian] /fresh/ 打 [dǎ] /to catch (fish)/ 劳动力 [láodònglì] /labour (or work) force, manpower/ 自留地 [zìliúdì] /family plot, private plot/ 合 [hé] /to join, to combine, to unite/ 可不 [kě bù] /That is just the way it is, That's it/ 拖拉机 [tuōlājī] /tractor/ 高培南 [Gāo Péinán] /(a personal name)/ # end