# Practical Chinese Reader Book 4 - Lesson 25 # Published by The Commercial Press, Beijing 1996 - ISBN 710000912 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 经 [jīng] /scripture, canon/ 交流 [jiāoliú] /to exchange, to interchange/ 闹 [nào] /to turn (a place) upside down/ 天宫 [tiāngōng] /heavenly palace/ 家喻户晓 [jiāyù hùxiǎo] /known to every household, known to all, widely known/ 虚构 [xūgòu] /to fabricate, to make up/ 漫长 [màncháng] /very long, endless/ 富强 [fùqiáng] /prosperous and powerful/ 富 [fù] /rich, wealthy/ 发达 [fādá] /developed/ 不仅…也… [bùjǐn...yě...] /not only ... but (also) .../ 高度 [gāodù] /highly; height/ 以及 [yǐjí] /and, as well as/ 交往 [jiāowǎng] /to associate, to contact/ 繁荣 [fánróng] /prosperous, flourishing, booming/ 往来 [wǎnglái] /to come and go, to contact, to exchange/ 唇齿相依 [chúnchǐxiāngyī] /to be closely related and mutually dependent/ 邻邦 [línbāng] /neighboring country/ 初年 [chūnián] /initial stage (or period), early days, beginning/ 乐曲 [yuèqǔ] /musical composition, music/ 后期 [hòuqī] /later period (or stage)/ 境 [jìng] /boundary, border/ 率领 [shuàilǐng] /to lead, to command, to head/ 轰动 [hōngdòng] /to cause a sensation, to make a stir/ 诗人 [shīrén] /poet/ 生动 [shēngdòng] /vivid, lively/ 精采 [jīngcǎi] /brilliant, wonderful, splendid/ 抄写 [chāoxiě] /to copy, to write down/ 结 [jié] /to forge, to form/ 行 [xíng] /to leave/ 互赠 [hù zèng] /to give each other as a present, to present as a gift to each other/ 明月 [míng yuè] /bright moon/ 遇难 [yù nàn] /to die (or be killed) in an accident/ 卿 [qīng] /(term of endearment formerly used among close friends)/ 风险 [fēngxiǎn] /risk, danger, hazard/ 克服 [kèfú] /to overcome/ 佛经 [fójīng] /Buddhist sutra, Buddhist scripture/ 跋涉 [báshè] /to trudge, to trek/ 友人 [yǒurén] /friend/ 提供 [tígōng] /to provide, to supply, to furnish/ 良好 [liánghǎo] /good, well/ 优异 [yōuyì] /excellent, outstanding, exceedingly good/ 重视 [zhòngshì] /to pay great attention to, to attach great importance to, to set great store by/ 学派 [xuépài] /school of thought/ 辩论 [biànlùn] /to debate, to argue/ 论文 [lùnwén] /thesis, paper/ 声称 [shēngchēng] /to claim, to assert/ 驳 [bó] /to refuse, to contradict, to gainsay/ 公开 [gōngkāi] /to make known to the public, to make public, to bring into the open; open/ 特意 [tèyì] /for a special purpose, specially/ 接见 [jiējiàn] /to receive, to give an interview to/ 反驳 [fǎnbó] /to refute, to retort/ 主题 [zhǔtí] /theme, subject/ 宣读 [xuāndú] /to read out (in public)/ 精辟 [jīngpì] /penetrating, incisive, brilliant/ 信服 [xìnfú] /to be convinced, to completely accept/ 谢绝 [xièjué] /to politely refuse, to politely decline/ 装饰 [zhuāngshì] /to decorate, to adorn, to ornament/ 尊敬 [zūnjìng] /to respect, to show respect for, to esteem/ 离别 [líbié] /to part, to leave, to bid farewell/ 佳话 [jiāhuà] /a story on everybody's lips, a deed praised far and wide/ 回顾 [huígù] /to look back, to review/ 增进 [zēngjìn] /to promote, to enchance, to further/ 丝 [sī] /silk/ 密切 [mìqiè] /close, intimate, intense/ 经商 [jīng shāng] /to engage in trade, to be in business/ 出使 [chūshǐ] /to be sent on a diplomatic mission, to serve as an envoy abroad/ 将军 [jiāngjūn] /general/ 公爵 [gōngjué] /duke/ 葬 [zàng] /to bury, to inter/ 墓碑 [mùbēi] /gravestone, tombstone/ 侵占 [qīnzhàn] /to invade and occupy, to seize/ 接待 [jiēdài] /to receive, to admit/ 唐僧 [Tángsēng] /(another name for Xuan Zang)/ 孙悟空 [Sūn Wùkōng] /the Monkey/ 玄奘 [Xuánzàng] /Xuan Zang/ 长安 [Cháng’ān] /Changan (now Xi'an)/ 朝鲜 [Cháoxiǎn] /Korea/ 西亚 [Xīyà] /the West Asia/ 唐太宗 [Táng Tàizōng] /Li Shimin/ 缅甸 [Miǎndiàn] /Burma/ 骠国 [Biāoguó] /the state of Biao (now eastern Burma)/ 白居易 [Bái Jūyì] /Bai Juyi/ 姓庆公园 [Xīngqìng Gōngyuán] /(name of a park in Xi'an)/ 阿倍仲麻吕 [Ābèi Zhòngmálǚ] /(name of a Japanese)/ 李白 [Lǐ Bái] /Li Bai (great poet)/ 四川 [Sìchuān] /Sichuan Province/ 天竺 [Tiānzhú] /(ancient name of India)/ 印度半岛 [Yìndù Bàndǎo] /the Indian Peninsula/ 印度 [Yìndù] /India/ 梵文 [Fánwén] /Sankskrit/ 大唐西域记 [Dà Táng Xīyù Jì] /(title of a book by Xuan Zang)/ 西域 [Xīyù] /the Western Regions/ # end