# Practical Chinese Reader Book 4 - Lesson 27 # Published by The Commercial Press, Beijing 1996 - ISBN 710000912 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 圣地 [shèngdì] /sacred place, shrine/ 故居 [gùjū] /former residence (or home)/ 忧国忧民 [yōuguóyōumín] /to be concerned about one's country and people/ 忧 [yōu] /to worry, to be worried; sorrow, anxiety/ 诗篇 [shīpiān] /poem/ 描绘 [miáohuì] /to depict, to describe, to represent/ 遭遇 [zāoyù] /bitter experience, hard lot; to meet with, to run up against, to encounter/ 他乡 [tāxiāng] /a place far away from one's home, an alien land, a distant land/ 大门 [dàmén] /gate/ 年底 [niándǐ] /the end of the year/ 流亡 [liúwáng] /to exile, to go into exile/ 景物 [jǐngwù] /scenery/ 几乎 [jīhū] /almost, nearly/ 背诵 [bèisòng] /to recite, to repeat from memory/ 黄鹂 [huánglí] /oriole/ 鸣 [míng] /(of bird, etc.), to cry/ 翠 [cuì] /green/ 柳 [liǔ] /willow/ 行 [háng] /(a measure word), line/ 白鹭 [báilù] /egret/ 青天 [qīngtiān] /blue sky/ 含 [hán] /to contain/ 岭 [lǐng] /ridge, mountain range/ 泊 [bó] /to anchor, to lie (or be) at anchor/ 说不定 [shuō bu dìng] /perhaps, maybe/ 面前 [miànqián] /in the face of, in front of/ 灵感 [línggǎn] /inspiration/ 解释 [jiěshì] /to explain/ 鸟 [niǎo] /bird/ 沉思 [chénsī] /to ponder, to mediate, to be lost in thought/ 细 [xì] /thin, slender, fine/ 浓密 [nóngmì] /dense, thick/ 密 [mì] /dense, thick/ 枝 [zhī] /branch, twig/ 对唱 [duìchàng] /(or birds) to cry in an antiphonal way/ 动人 [dòngrén] /moving, touching/ 目光 [mùguāng] /sight/ 积 [jī] /to accumulate, to store up/ 终年 [zhōngnián] /all the year round, throughout the year/ 化 [huà] /to melt/ 个人 [gèrén] /individual person/ 理解 [lǐjiě] /to comprehend, to understand/ 码头 [mǎtóu] /dock, port, wharf/ 船只 [chuánzhī] /ship/ 停泊 [tíngbó] /to anchor, to berth/ 一带 [yídài] /area, surroundings/ 漫游 [mànyóu] /to roam, to wander/ 果然 [guǒrán] /really, as expected, sure enough/ 反映 [fǎnyìng] /to reflect, to mirror, to depict/ 强盛 [qiángshèng] /(of country) powerful and prosperous/ 去世 [qùshì] /to die, to pass away/ 忧伤 [yōushāng] /distressed/ 朱门 [zhūmén] /vermillion gate or red lacquered doors (of wealthy homes)/ 臭 [chòu] /stinking, smelly, foul/ 冻 [dòng] /to freeze/ 骨 [gǔ] /bone/nquil 千古 [qiāngǔ] /through the ages, for all time/ 另外 [lìngwài] /other, another/ 另 [lìng] /other, another/ 齐名 [qímíng] /to enjoy equal popularity, to be equally famous/ 相同 [xiāngtóng] /same, alike, identical/ 现实主义 [xiànshízhǔyì] /realism/ 般 [bān] /type, way, class, sort/ 穷困 [qióngkùn] /poverty-stricken, impoverished/ 诗圣 [shīshèng] /sage poet/ 平静 [píngjìng] /calm, quiet, tranquil/ 乐府 [yuèfǔ] /(poetic genre of) folk songs and ballads in the Han style/ 词 [cí] /"ci" - type of Chinese poetry/ 曲 [qǔ] /"qu" - type of verse for singing/ 悠久 [yōujiǔ] /long, long-standing, age-old/ 同样 [tóngyàng] /same, equal, similar/ 剧本 [jùběn] /play/ 悲剧 [bēijù] /tragedy/ 流 [liú] /rate, class, grade/ 长篇小说 [chángpiān xiǎoshuō] /novel/ 熟悉 [shúxī] /to know very well, to be familiar with/ 障碍 [zhàng’ài] /barrier, obstacle/ 杜甫草堂 [Dù Fǔ Cǎotáng] /Du Fu's Straw-roofed House/ 杜甫 [Dù Fǔ] /Du Fu/ 东吴 [Dōngwú] /the Eastern Wu State, another name for the Wu Dynasty/ 岷山 [Mín Shān] /Minshan Mountain/ 洛阳 [Luòyáng] /Luoyang/ 朱德 [Zhū Dé] /Zhu De/ 楚辞 [Chǔcí] /"the Songs of Chu"/ 宋 [Sòng] /the Song Dynasty/ 元 [Yuán] /the Yuan Dynasty/ 春秋 [Chūnqiū] /the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC)/ 关汉卿 [Guān Hànqīng] /(a personal name)/ 窦 娥冤 [Dòu’éyuān] /"The Wrongly Accused Dou E"/ 西厢记 [Xīxiāngjì] /"A Story of the West Chamber"/ 牡丹亭 [Mǔdāntíng] /"The Peony Pavilion"/ # end