# Speaking Chinese About China 1 - Lesson 05 # Published by Sinolingua, 1989 - ISBN 7800520986 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 强盛 [qiángshèng] /(of a country) powerful and prosperous/ 侵扰 [qīnrǎo] /to invade and harass/ 力量 [lìliang] /power, strength/ 强大 [qiángdà] /big and powerful/ 派 [pài] /to send, to assign/ 打败 [dǎbài] /to defeat/ 又好 [yǒuhǎo] /friendly, amicable/ 往来 [wǎnglái] /contact, to come and go/ 打通 [dǎtōng] /to get through, to open up/ 通 [tōng] /to open, through/ 丝绸 [sīchóu] /silk/ 通商 [tōngshāng] /(of nations) have trade relations/ 和亲政策 ["héqīn" shèngcè] /(a policy of appeasement through marriage)/ 政策 [zhèngcè] /policy/ 举例子 [jǔ lìzi] /to given an example/ 例子 [lìzi] /example/ 说明 [shuōmíng] /to explain, to illustrate; directions/ 流传 [liúchuán] /to circulate, hand down/ 娶 [qǔ] /to marry (a woman)/ 公主 [gōngzhǔ] /princess/ 原来 [yuánlái] /originally; former/ 宫女 [gōngnǚ] /a maid in an imperial palace/ 嫁 [jià] /to marry (a man)/ 关系 [guānxi] /relation, relationship/ 记载 [jìzǎi] /to record; records/ 人物 [rénwù] /character, figure/ 转机 [zhuànjì] /biography/ 形象 [xíngxiàng] /image, form; vivid/ 生动 [shēngdòng] /vivid, lively/ 部 [bù] /(measure word for books, machines, etc.)/ 既…又… [jì...yòu...] /both ... and, as well as/ 优秀 [yōuxiù] /excellent, oustanding/ 著作 [zhùzuò] /work, writings/ 末年 [mònián] /last years of a dynasty of reign/ 分裂 [fēnliè] /to split, divide/ 不过 [bùguò] /yet, but, however/ 运河 [yùnhé] /canal/ 灾难 [zāinàn] /disaster, catastrophe/ 代表 [dàibiǎo] /to represent, delegate/ 繁荣 [fánróng] /flourishing, to make something prosper/ 杰出 [jiéchū] /prominent, remarkable/ 吸取 [xīqǔ] /to absorb, to draw/ 教训 [jiàoxùn] /lesson; to teach someone a lesson/ 认识到 [rènshidao] /to realize/ 安定 [āndìng] /stable, settled/ 优点 [yōudiǎn] /merit, strong point/ 意见 [yìjiàn] /opinion/ 作品 [zuòpǐn] /work (of literature and art)/ 和尚 [héshang] /monk/ 不远万里 [bùyuǎnwànlǐ] /to go to the trouble of traveling a long distance/ 取经 [qǔjīng] /to go on a Buddhist pilgrimage, to learn from sb else's experience/ 衰落 [shuāiluò] /to decline/ 整天 [zhěngtiān] /the whole day, all day long/ 吃喝玩乐 [chī, hē, wán, lè] /to eat, drink, and be merry, to idle away one's time in pleasure-seeking/ 动乱 [dòngluàn] /disturbance, upheaval/ 慌忙 [huāngmáng] /in a great rush/ 逃 [táo] /to flee, to escape/ 恨 [hèn] /to hate, to regret/ 前进 [qiánjìn] /to go forward, to advance/ 被迫 [bèipò] /to be forced/ 吊死 [diàosi] /to hang by the neck, to hang oneself/ 遭到 [zāodào] /to suffer; encounter/ 汉武帝 [Hàn Wǔdì] /Emporer Wudi of the Han Dynasty/ 匈奴 [Xiōngnú] /Huns (an ancient nationality in China)/ 中亚 [Zhōng Yà] /Central Asia/ 西域 [Xīyù] /the Western Regions/ 王昭君 [Wáng Zhāojūn] /Wang Zhaojun/ 《史记》 [《Shǐjì》] /'Records of the Historian' (ancient historical work)/ 司马迁 [Sīmǎ Qiān] /Sima Qian/ 三国 [Sānguó] /the Three Kingdoms/ 隋朝 [Suí Cháo] /the Sui Dynasty/ 唐太宗 [Táng Tàizōng] /Emporer Taizong of the Tang Dynasty/ 李白 [Lǐ Bái] /Li Bai/ 杜甫 [Dù Fǔ] /Du Fu/ 日本 [Rìběn] /Japan/ 朝鲜 [Cháoxiǎn] /Korea/ 玄奘 [Xuánzàng] /Xuanzang (famous monk in the Tang Dynasty)/ 唐玄宗 [Táng Xuánzōng] /Emporer Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty/ 杨贵妃 [Yáng Guìfēi] /Lady Yang/ 杨国忠 [Yáng Guózhōng] /Yang Guozhong/ # end