# Speaking Chinese About China 2 - Lesson 05 # Published by Sinolingua, 1990 - ISBN 7800521540 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 普通 [pǔtōng] /common, ordinary/ 四合院 [sìhéyuànr] /a compound with houses around a courtyard, quadrangle/ 招待 [zhāodài] /to receive (guests), to entertain/ 伯父 [bófù] /uncle (father's elder brother), (polite form of a address)/ 伯母 [bómǔ] /aunt (wife of father's elder brother), (polite form of address)/ 那里,那里 [nálǐ,nálǐ] /what are you talking about?, it's nothing/ 既然 [jìrán] /since, now that/ 麻烦 [máfan] /to disturb, to bother; troublesome; (polite request form)/ 嫂子 [sǎozi] /elder brother's wife, sister-in-law/ 侄女儿 [zhínǚr] /brother's daughter, niece/ 套 [tào] /(for house) a flat, (for cloth) a suit, (for other things) a set of/ 好在 [hǎozài] /fortunately, luckily/ 爷爷 [yéye] /grandfather (father's father)/ 奶奶 [nǎinai] /grandmother (father's mother)/ 疼 [téng] /to love dearly, painful/ 生育 [shēngyù] /childbirth; to give birth to/ 号召 [hàozhào] /to call, to appeal; appeal/ 夫妇 [fūfù] /husband and wife/ 想得通 [xiǎngdetōng] /to be able to straighten out one's thinking, to become convinced, to come around/ 领 [lǐng] /to obtain, to receive, to lead, to usher/ 独生子女政 [dúshēng zínǚ zhèng] /certificate for having a single child/ 儿媳妇 [érxífu] /daughter-in-law/ 婆婆 [pópo] /mother-in-law (husband's mother)/ 同意 [tóngyì] /to agree; consent/ 非得 [fēiděi] /must, to have to, to insist on/ 重男轻女 [zhòngnán-qīngnǚ] /favoring men to women, considering men superior to women/ 结婚 [jiéhūn] /to get married/ 管 [guǎn] /to look after, to take care, to be in charge, to control/ 姑娘 [gūniang] /girl/ 娘家 [niángjia] /married woman's parents' home/ 老两口儿 [lǎoliángkǒur] /an old couple (husband and wife)/ 毕业 [bìyè] /to graduate/ 搞科研 [gǎo kēyán] /to do scientific research/ 对象 [duìxiàng] /boyfriend or girlfriend, prospective marriage partner/ 恐怕 [kǒngpà] /probably, I'm afraid that (sometimes implying anxienty)/ 关心 [guānxīn] /to show concern for, to be concerned about/ 婚姻 [hūnyīn] /marriage/ 娱乐 [yúlè] /to amuse; recreation, entertainment/ 交往 [jiāowǎng] /to associate with, to make contact with/ 选择 [xuǎnzé] /to choose; choice/ 合得来 [hédelái] /to get along well/ 主动 [zhǔdòng] /to have initiative/ 幸福 [xìngfú] /to be happy; happiness/ 美满 [měimǎn] /happy, perfectly satisfactory/ 所有的 [suǒyǒude] /all, every/ 离婚 [líhūn] /to divorce/ 闹离婚 [nào líhūn] /to squabble to the point of divorce/ 处理 [chǔlǐ] /to handle, to deal with/ 喜新厌旧 [xīxīn-yànjiù] /to love the new and loathe the old, be fickle in attention/ 第三者插足 [dì-sānzhě chāzú] /the third party is involved/ 大不了 [dàbuliǎo] /at worst, serious/ 矛盾 [máodùn] /conflict; contradictory/ 家务事 [jiāwùshìr] /household chores/ 吵闹 [chaǒnào] /to quarrel, to wrangle/ 调解 [tiáojiě] /to mediate, to make peace/ 感情 [gǎnqíng] /feelings, emotions/ 竟 [jìng] /unexpectedly, surprisingly, contrary to expectation/ 批评 [pīpíng] /to criticize, criticism/ 劝说 [quànshuō] /to persuade, to advise/ 重新 [chóngxīn] /again, anew/ 要不然 [yàoburán] /otherwise/ 万一 [wànyī] /if by any chance, just in case/ 不幸 [búxìng] /unfortunately, misfortune/ 退休 [tuìxiū] /to retire/ 陪 [péi] /to keep company, to accompany/ 说不定 [shuōbudìng] /perhaps, may be/ 年纪 [niánjì] /age/ 老伴 [lǎobànr] /husband or wife (in an old couple)/ 按月 [àn yuè] /on schedule (according to each month)/ 退休金 [tuìxiūjīn] /retirement pay, pension/ 逢年过节 [féng nián guò jié] /on New Year's Day or other festivals/ 居民 [jūmín] /resident/ 邻居 [línjū] /neighbor/ 亲 [qīn] /related by blood, close intimate/ 瞧您说的 [qiáo nín shuōde] /How nice of you to say so!/ 富裕 [fùyù] /wealthy, well to do, rich/ 愁 [chóu] /to worry/ 沙发 [shāfā] /couch, sofa/ 什么的 [shénmede] /and so on/ 京戏 [Jīngxì] /Peking opera/ 打太极拳 [dǎ Tàijíquán] /to do tai-chi/ 散步 [sànbù] /to stroll, to take a walk/ 长寿 [chángshòu] /long life, longevity/ 托你的福了 [tuō nǐde fú le] /thanks to you/ 告别 [gàobié] /to say goodbye, to bid farewell/ 张玲 [Zhāng Líng] /Zhang Ling/ 张海山 [Zhāng Hǎishān] /Zhang Haishan/ 江文兰 [Jiāng Wénlán] /Jiang Wenlan/ 赵大爷 [Zhào dàye] /Uncle Zhao (polite form of address for an elderly man)/ 赵大妈 [Zhào dàmā] /Aunt Zhao (polite form of address for an elderly woman)/ 太极拳 [Tàijíquán] /tai-chi/ # end