# Speaking Chinese About China 2 - Lesson 09 # Published by Sinolingua, 1990 - ISBN 7800521540 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 不仅…也 [bùjìn...yě] /not only ... but also .../ 开端 [káiduān] /beginning, start/ 兴起 [xīngqǐ] /to rise, to spring up/ 任何 [rènhé] /any, whichever, whatever/ 蕴酿 [yùnniàng] /to ferment, to brew; discuss informally/ 因此 [yīncǐ] /therefore, as a result/ 回顾 [huígù] /to look back, review/ 贫困 [pínkùn] /impoverished, poor/ 何处 [héchù] /where/ 前途 [qiántú] /future, prospect/ 命运 [mìngyùn] /destiny, fate/ 寻找 [xúnzhǎo] /to look for, to seek/ 真理 [zhēnlǐ] /truth/ 压迫 [yāpò] /oppression; to repress/ 剥削 [bōxuē] /exploitation; to exploit/ 反动 [fǎndòng] /reactionary/ 倡导 [chàngdǎo] /to initiate, to lead/ 兴办 [xīngbàn] /to intiiate, to set up/ 银行 [yínháng] /bank/ 发明 [fāmíng] /invention; to invent/ 然而 [rán’ér] /yet, but/ 民主 [mínzhǔ] /democracy; to be democratic/ 先行者 [xiānxíngzhě] /forerunner/ 腐朽 [fǔxiǔ] /to be corrupt, to be decadent/ 不可救药 [bùkějiùyào] /incorrigible, beyond help/ 振兴 [zhènxīng] /to develop vigorously, to promote/ 觉醒 [juéxǐng] /to awaken, awakening/ 驱除鞑虏 [qūchú dálǔ] /drive out the Tartars/ 口号 [kǒuhào] /slogan/ 资产阶级 [zīchǎnjiējí] /the bourgeoisie, capitalist class/ 彻底 [chèdǐ] /thorough/ 根深帝固 [gēnshēn-dìgù] /deep rooted, ingrained/ 编辑 [biānjí] /editor; to edit/ 任职 [rènzhí] /to hold a post, to be in office/ 自然而然 [zìrán érrán] /naturally, automatically/ 阵地 [zhèndì] /position, front, battlefield/ 启蒙 [qǐméng] /to enlighten, to initiate ... into/ 宣传 [xuānchuán] /to publicize, to propagate; publicity, propaganda/ 愚昧 [yúmèi] /to be ignorant/ 束缚 [shùfù] /bondage; to trammel/ 相辅相成 [xiāngfǔ-xiāngchéng] /to complement each other/ 推动 [tuīdòng] /to push forward; expedite (work)/ 探索 [tànsuǒ] /to seek for, to probe/ 改造 [gǎizào] /to transform, to remold/ 热潮 [rècháo] /great mass fervor, upsurge/ 改良 [gǎiliáng] /to improve, to make better/ 大谈特谈 [dà tán tè tán] /to talk voluminously and specifically/ 针锋相对 [zhēnfēng xiāngduì] /give tit for tat/ 系统 [xìtǒng] /system; systematically/ 流派 [liúpài] /school, sect/ 借口 [jièkǒu] /excuse, pretext; to make an excuse/ 缺少 [quēshǎo] /to lack, be short of/ 打着…的 [dǎzhe...de] /to flaunt the banner of .../ 旗号 [qíhào] /to publish, to issue/ 发表 [fābiǎo] /to publish, to issue/ 划清 [huàqīng] /to make a clear distinction/ 界线 [jièxiàn] /dividing line/ 绝对 [juéduì] /absolute, absolutely/ 约束 [yuēshù] /restraint, to keep within bounds/ 通通 [tōngtōng] /all, entirely/ 不切实际 [búqiè shíjì] /unrealistic, impractical/ 幻想 [huànxiǎng] /illusion; to fantasize/ 光辉 [guānghuī] /glorious, brilliant; splendor, radiance/ 分化 [fēnhuà] /to become divided/ 依然 [yīrán] /still, as before/ 徘徊 [páihuái] /to pace up and down, to hesitate/ 具体 [jùtǐ] /concrete, specific/ 实践 [shíjiàn] /to put into practice; practice/ 结合 [jiéhé] /to combine, to integrate/ 改良主义 [gǎiliángzhǔyì] /reformism/ 实验主义 [shíyànzhǔyì] /experimentalism/ 行会社会主义 [hánghuì shèhuìzhǔyì] /guild socialism/ 空想社会主义 [kōngxiǎng shèhuìzhǔyì] /utopian socialism/ 无政府主义 [wúzhèngfǔ zhǔyì] /anarchism/ 康有为 [Kāng Yǒuwéi] /Kang Youwie/ 戊戌变法 [Wùxū Biànfǎ] /The Reform Movement of 1898/ 光绪皇帝 [Guāngxù huángdì] /Emperor Guangxu (Qing Dynasty)/ 梁启超 [Liáng Qǐchāo] /Liang Qichao/ 谭嗣同 [Tán Sìtóng] /Tan Sitong/ 百日维新 [Bǎi Rì Wéixīn] /the "Hundred-day" Reform/ 陈独秀 [Chén Dúxiù] /Chen Duxiu/ 李大钊 [Lǐ Dàzhāo] /Li Dazhao/ 鲁迅 [Lǔ Xùn] /Lu Hsun/ 胡适 [Hú Shì] /Hu Shi/ # end