# Interlingua - A Course for Beginngers, Part 2, Lesson 2 # by F.P. Gospill, ISBN 095116953X # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) biscuit : biscuit canal : canal, channel capital : capital carta : map caseo : cheese citate : city, town costa : coast culpa : blame, fault diábolo : devil difficultate : difficulty effecto : effect est : east estraniero : abroad exámine : examination exemplo : example factura : bill garantía : guarantee geographía : geography habitante : inhabitant idiota : idiot imbecille : imbicile insula : island jelosia : jealousy kangurú : kangaroo lingua : language loco : place mar : sea mathemática : mathematics mercato : market modello : model mundo : world nationalitate : nationality nord : north océano : ocean passaporto : passport penna : pen regno : kingdom república : republic responsa : reply selection : selection stato : state stilo : pencil sud : south test : test toast : toast union : union vacantias : holidays valor : value vicino : neighbor voce : voice west : west adder : to add apprender : to learn explicar : to explain interrumper : to interrupt notar : to note obtener : to obtain, get pagar : to pay passar : to pass, spend poner : to put, place repeter : to repeat replicar : to reply susurrar : to whisper valer : to be worth viagiar : to travel attentive : attentive central : central commun : common correcte : correct democrátic : democratic differente : different estranier : strange, foreign federal : federal incerte : uncertain latin : Latin materne : maternal, mother mesme : same occidental : west oriental : east principal : principal, main símile : similar stúpide : stupid unite : united isto : this per : through súper, sur : on, about, concerning sin : without álique super geograpía : something about geography Que ha tu? : What’s up with you? Ille poneva un question a illa : He asked her a question Como diábolo pote un esser human saper omne isto? : How on earth can a human being know all that? un scholar modello : a model pupil le responsa al question : the answer to the question su vicino de tábula : the person sitting next to him/her a alte voce : at the top of his, etc. voice Tu obteneva un zero in mathemática : You got naught for maths Non es mi culpa : It’s not my fault Como, non es tu culpa? : What do you mean, it’s not your fault? al nord de Francia : in the north of France in effecto : in effect, in fact Ille passava la exámine : He passed the examination le plus grande del mundo : the biggest in the world in loco de ille : instead of him su viagiar per iste país : his travelling through this country duo de illos : two of them caffe al lacte : coffee with milk Non vale : It’s not worth it Ío pagará la factura : I’ll pay the bill al estraniero : abroad per exemplo : for example # end