# Interlingua – Instrumento Moderne de Communication International, Lection 2 # by Ingvar Stenström, ISBN 978-91-977066-5-0 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) secunde : second juvene : young reguarda : watch/es reguardar : to watch, regard dama : lady illa : she senioretta : Miss, young lady belle : beautiful la : her, to her con : with interesse : interest interessar : to interest interessante : interesting interessate : interested nostre : our amico : friend le : him, to him tamen : however, yet, nevertheless sin : without nos : we; us, to us debe : must, has/have to; owe/s constatar : to state, note, establish iste : this, these facto : fact tragic : tragic ja : already jam : already pensa : think/s fatigate : tired seder : to sit seder se : to sit down dice : say/s dicer : to say a : to excuse : excuse me : me, to me permitte : allows permitter : to allow que : that responde : answer/s, respond/s responder : to answer, respond responsa : answer, response per : by, through parola : word signo : sign capite : head capital : head, main urbe capital : capital city question : question multo : much # end