# Interlingua – Instrumento Moderne de Communication International, Lection 4 # by Ingvar Stenström, ISBN 978-91-977066-5-0 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) quando : when illes : they sedeva : sat, was/were sitting ibi : there presso : near altere : other le un … le altere : one another su : his/her/its passava : passed, went by salutava : greeted, said hello heroe : hero audiva : heard cosa : thing absorbeva : absorbed troppo : too much remarcava : noticed tunc : then se approchava : approached critava : shouted a : at, to, in voce : voice forte : strong, powerful bon : good die : day como sta tu? : how are you? salute! : hi there! gratias : thanks regratiar : to thank ben : well qui : who sentiva : felt embarassate : embarassed embarassar : to embarrass parlava : spoke alcun : some, any, a few alicun : some, any, a few minuta : minute conversation : conversation esseva : was, were esser : to be es : is, are esse : is, are ubi : where proque : why, because longe : long tempore : time # end