# Interlingua – Instrumento Moderne de Communication International, Lection 11 # by Ingvar Stenström, ISBN 978-91-977066-5-0 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) moneta : money pecunia : money comprarea : would buy automobile : car inusual : unusual dur : hard molle : soft nostre : our bicyclo : bicycle bicyclar : to cycle via : road, way; via pesante : heavy vetere : old tal : such (a) in tal caso : in that case donarea : would give dono : gift donar : to give, donate dar : to give, hand over mi : my fratre : brother lamentar : to lament, wail le sue : his, hers si ... que : so ... that mal : bad quasi : almost inusabile : unusable besonio : need besoniar : to need viage : journey, trip, voyage viagiar : to travel autobus : bus il face mal tempore : the weather is bad sentir se : to feel justo : just (adv.) usate : used, second-hand costar : to cost probabile : probable sufficerea : would be enough inevitabile : inevitable evitar : to avoid exiger : to require, exact reparation : repair (noun) camerada : friend posseder : to own, possess incredibile : incredible creder : to believe nove : new # end