# Interlingua – Instrumento Moderne de Communication International, Lection 19 # by Ingvar Stenström, ISBN 978-91-977066-5-0 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) curiose : curious congresso : congress, conference in retardo : late, delayed taxi : taxi station central : central station platteforma : platform currer : to run currero : courier, postman currente : current; flowing succeder : to succeed successo : success attinger : to attain, reach justo : just partir : to leave, set off partita : departure compartimento : compartment fumar : to smoke fumator : smoker fumo : smoke, fumes sede : seat indicar : to indicate, point out si il vos place : if you please con-viagiator : fellow traveller con-viagiatrice : fellow traveller (f.) parve : little, small etate : age opposite : opposite (adj.) dulce : sweet capillos : hair blonde : blond azur : azure, blue vive : lively, vivacious ambiente : surroundings centro : center, middle concentration : concentration exploder : to explode explosion : explosion polite : polite a ubi? : where (to)? billet : ticket assecurar : to assure, secure que si : that he had / that it was so exacte : exact patiente : patient saper : to know forsan : perhaps, maybe appellar se : to be called regrettabilemente : unfortunately regrettar : to regret, be sorry for non importga : it doesn't matter evitar : to avoid inevitabile : inevitable pausa : pause (noun) non ... plus : no more # end