# Interlingua – Instrumento Moderne de Communication International, Lection 21 # by Ingvar Stenström, ISBN 978-91-977066-5-0 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) orator : speaker, orator public : public (adj.) excellente : excellent radio : radio reporto : report (noun) reportar : to report cruel : cruel cruelitate : cruelty guerra : war victima : victim morir : to die moriente : dying morite : dead le morte : death o ... o : either ... or vulnere : wound vulnerar : to wound mancar : to be lacking, missing appetito : appetite association : association super-population : overpopulation problema : problem aliemntari : of food (adj.) timer : to be afraid of timide : timid appoio : support ascender : to go up, mount descender : to go down tribuna : platform, rostrum nervose : nervous geniculo : knee tremular : to tremble mesmo : even (adv.) sentir : to feel, sense sudor : sweat (noun) fronte : forehead gena : cheek pallide : pale, pallid labio : lip sic : dry humide : damp, wet bucca : mouth lingua : tongue, language rigide : stiff, rigid pecia : piece ligno : wood, timber possibile : possible impossibile : impossible tote le mundo : everyone ultime : last (adj.) grado : step, level, grade (noun) scala : staircase, scale cader : to fall batter : to beat collapso : collapse, breakdown causa : cause a causa de : because of timor : fear scena : stage; scene timor del scena : stage-fright perder : to lose publico : audience; the public (noun) # end