# Interlingua – Instrumento Moderne de Communication International, Lection 26-27 # by Ingvar Stenström, ISBN 978-91-977066-5-0 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) extracto : extract (noun) extraher : to extract jornal : newspaper jorno : day reportar : to report reportero : reporter agentia : agency pressa : press (noun) recente : recent conferentia : conference educar : to educate education : education cultura : culture; cultivation delegar : to delegate, entrust delegato : repsentative, delegate state : state (noun) membro : member exprimer : to express expression : expression satisfaction : satisfaction numerose : numerous innumerabile : innumberable initiative : initiative disveloppamento : development disveloppar : to develop servicio : service facilitar : to facilitate facile : easy excambio : exchange (noun) debatto : debate (noun) causar : to cause proposition : proposal, proposition; clause pro attaccar : (in order) to attack analphabetismo : illteracy unir se : to unite protesto : protest (noun) contra : against contradicer : to contradict, deny retardamento : delay (noun) in retardo : late plano : plan (noun) per consequente : consequently realisation : act of bring a plan to reality habiltate : skill habile : skilled temperamento : spirit; disposition projectar : to plan, project construction : construction construer : to construct schola : school plus que : more than un tal : such a diminuer : to diminish, reduce standardisation : standardization ducer : to lead economisation : economies, savings mantener : to maintain porta-voce : spokesperson manco : lack (noun) instruer : to instruct instruction : instruction instructor : instructor remediar : to remedy, help, cure emission : broadcast (noun) emitter : to emit, send out resolution : resolution, solution resolute : resolute, determined television : television acceptar : to accept fin : end (noun) al fin : in the end, at last session : session recommendar : to recommend prioritate : priority lucta : struggle, fight (noun) manifestar : to manifest, express action : action rational : reasonable, rational conforme a : in confortmity with presidente : president assemblea : assembly general : general consilio : council; piece of advice solution : solution communication : communication linguistic : linguistic radice : root, origin duple : double deber : to owe, to have to morphema : morpheme secundo : according to suffixo : suffix releger : to re-read ab : from in supra : above exiger : to require, demand # end