# Interlingua – Instrumento Moderne de Communication International, Lection 29 # by Ingvar Stenström, ISBN 978-91-977066-5-0 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) architectura : architecture tecto : roof, ceiling Russia : Russia russe : Russian (adj.) enorme : enormous progresso : progress (noun) edificio : building, edifice a partes : with parts prefabricar : to prefabricate fabricar : to manufacture, make fabrica : factory etage : story, floor compler : to complete obrero : worker, labourer obra : work (noun) eriger : to erect erecte : erect appartamento : apartment verso : towards, about domicilio : dwelling, housing urban : urban va usar : is going to use, will use technica : technique statounitese : U.S. dubitar : to doubt base : basis a base de : on the basis of comparation : comparison limitar : to limit, restrict limite : limit (noun) integremente : entirely integre : entire, whole morbo : disease, illness cardiac : of the heart epidemiologic : of epidemics Japon : Japan area : area aqua molle : soft water aqua dur : hard water basse : low alte : high contento : content(s) mineral : mineral (adj./noun) correlation : correlation vaste : vast morte : death citate : city habitante : inhabitant phoca : seal (animal) delphino : dolphin expressive : expressive interindividual : between individuals sono : sound (noun) dolor : pain gaudio : joy, happiness varie : various emotion : emotion transmitter : to transmit telephonicamente : by telephone il pare : it seems comprender se : to understand each other kilometro : kilometer conducer : to conduct frequentia : frequency cyclo : cycle organo : organ notitia : notice, term # end