# Interlingua Today - A Course for Beginners, Lesson 5 # by F.P. Gospill, ISBN 1898017018 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) alto : top armario : wardrobe basso : bottom buffet : sideboard cámera de banio : bathroom etage : floor, storey fenestra : window lúmine : light porta : door repasto : meal sede a bracios : armchair sofa : sofa solo : floor, ground tapete : carpet vestimentos : clothes visitator : visitor WC : toilet, WC dar : to give montar : to climb preparar : to prepare son : are tener : to keep áltere : other contente : happy, content munde : clean spatiose : roomy como? : how? what like? dunque : so, therefore generalmente : generally ibi : there il : it, there illas : they (females) illes : they (males or males/females) illos : they (things) nos : we on : one, you, we, they proque : why; because qual : which sempre : always tu : you (familiar) vos : you (polite) Papa prende su repasto : Dad is having his meal Le fenestra da súper le jardin : The window overlooks the garden multe lúmine : a lot of light le cámera juxta le cocina : the room next to the kitchen Ille monta le scala : He goes up the stairs in basso : downstairs in alto : upstairs Como es le tapete? : What’s the carpet like? # end