# Interlingua Today - A Course for Beginners, Lesson 6 # by F.P. Gospill, ISBN 1898017018 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) adjectivo : adjective amica : (girl)friend anniversario : anniversary apparato : telephone banio : bath domínica : Sunday ecclesia : church expression : expression genitores : parents jovedí : Thursday lunedí : Monday martedí : Tuesday mercuridí : Wednesday programma : program receptor : receiver restaurante : restaurant sábbato : Saturday telephono : telephone travalio : work venerdí : Friday verbo : verb véspere : evening celebrar : to celebrate continuar : to continue coperir : to cover parer : to seem, appear prender : to take regrettar : to be sorry reimplaciar : to replace restar : to stay, remain star : to stand telephonar : to telephone venir : to come vider : to see horríble : horrible interessante : interesting lor : their nostre : our occupate : busy passate : past, last su : his, her, its vétule : old vostre : your álteres : others deman : tomorrow hallo : hello, hallo regrettábilemente : unfortunately tunc : then Papa va al apparato : Dad answers the ‘phone Como sta? : How do you do? Ille va al ecclesia : He’s going to church Io regretta multo : I’m awfully sorry Nos irá al restaurante : We’ll go to the restaurant Io prende un banio : I’m having a bath in (or al) television : on television in (or al) radio : on the radio Qual die es hodie? : What day is it today? hodie véspere : tonight le jovedí véspere : on Thursday night le venerdí matino : on Friday morning omne sábbatos : every Saturday le lunedí : on Monday # end