# Interlingua Today - A Course for Beginners, Lesson 7 # by F.P. Gospill, ISBN 1898017018 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) caffe : coffee cena : evening meal dinar : dinner fin : end flecha de horas : hour hand horologio : watch, clock impatientia : impatience jentar : breakfast lection : lesson lunch : lunch matino : morning mediedie : midday medienocte : midnight membro : member meridie : midday minuta : minute número : number ovo : egg postmeridie : afternoon prandio : midday meal puncto : point, dot sala a mangiar : dining hall tassa : cup the : tea traino : train arrivar : to arrive attender : to wait for biber : to drink comenciar : to begin eveliar : to wake up jentar : to have breakfast lunchar : to have lunch mangiar : to eat quitar : to leave recomenciar : to start again retornar : to go home volar : to fly bullite : boiled medie : half proprie : own scholar : school tarde : late álteres : others ancora : still ex : out of nunc : now postea : afterwards presso a : near to, close by quo : where to rápidemente : quickly usque : as far as, until, up to verso : towards Ille sorti del lecto : He gets out of bed pro ir al schola : in order to go to school A su horologio il es un (hora) : By his watch it’s one le hora de lunch : lunch hour le hora de prandio : dinner time Ille attende le fin del lection : He’s waiting for the end of the lesson con impatientia : impatiently Ille retorno a (or al) casa : He goes home le matino : in the morning de bon hora : early Quo va papa : Where’s dad going (to)? # end