# Interlingua Today - A Course for Beginners, Lesson 14 # by F.P. Gospill, ISBN 1898017018 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) accenditor : cigarette lighter accidente : accident ámita : aunty bursa : purse, pouch cara, caro : dear, darling empleata : employee (female) estraniero : foreigner, stranger granmatre : grandmother grandparentes : grandparents granpatre : grandfather moneta : money oncle : uncle oriente : east photo : photo photographía : photograph retorno : return robo : dress tasca : pocket témpore : time tiratorio : drawer venditor : salesman, shop assistant vicina : neighbor (female) accender : to light colliger : to collect emplear : to employ functionar : to function molestar : to bother, annoy morir : to die offerer : to offer peter : to ask for photographar : to photograph reservar : to reseve rider : to laugh agradábile : pleasant ambe : both cómic : funny complete : complete júvene : young nulle : no plure : several tante : so many, so much vicin : neighboring alicuno : someone alora : then, well circa : approximately, about cuje : whose detra : behind durante : for (of time) extra : beyond, out of fóras de : out(side) of nemo : nobody nullemente : by no means le qual(es) : who, which le ... del qual(es) : whose retro : ago sátis : enough tunc : then, therefore Ío prendeva alicun photographías : I took some photographs circa vinti annos retro : about twenty years ago fóras de moda : out of fashion Ille habeva debite travaliar : He had had to work Ille travaliava durante qualque menses : He worked for some months durante tante témpore como vos place : for as long as you please post lor retorno de Scotia : after they returned from Scotland Illo es completemente extra question : That is quite out of the question extra isto : apart from that sátis de moneta : enough money troppo de aqua : too much water Diábolo! : Dash it! Es papa, qui iva a Scotia : It’s dad, who went to Scotland illo es (i.e.) : that is un accidente de automóbile : a car accident Ille travaliava presso al speciería : He worked at the grocer’s Illes va a basso : They go downstairs Nulle causa! : Don’t mention it! Esque ío vos molesta, si ío fuma? : Do you mind if I smoke? Mi accenditor non functiona : My lighter isn’t working Pote ío peter un flammífero? : Could I have a light? # end