# Interlingua Today - A Course for Beginners, Lesson 20 # by F.P. Gospill, ISBN 1898017018 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) advenimento : arrival ambassator : ambassador appetito : appetite artículo : article association : association base : basis besonio : need chímico : chemist (expert in chemistry) competition : competition completion : completion direction : direction dúbita : doubt essayo : essay; attempt fundation : foundation ganiator : winner gruppo : group guerra : war lana : wool látere : side linguista : linguist objecto : object ove : sheep parlator : speaker passagero : passenger permission : permission pila : battery premio : prize prenómine : first name professor : professor recerca : research requirimento : requirement subjecto : subject sudor : sweat universitate : university week-end : weekend abbreviar : to abbreviate analysar : to analyze basar : to base consacrar : to devote decender : to decease fundar : to found ganiar : to win sudar : to sweat auxiliar : auxiliary definite : definite eque : fair, right international : international juste : fair, right mundial : world plen : full ric : rich a fin de : in order to totevía : nevertheless al Universitate (de) Liverpool : at the University of Liverpool le major parte de illes : most of them a prime vista : at first sight sin dúbita : no doubt Omnes esseva de accordo : All were agreed le cecos, le surdos, e le mutos : the blind, the deaf, and the dumb in un tal modo, que : in such a way that Illo multo resimila nostre can : It looks very much like our dog # end