# Genki 1, Lesson 007 # by Eri Banno et al, ISBN 4-7890-0963-7 # Version 1.1 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 姉 [あね] /(my) older sister/ アパート [アパート] /apartment/ 妹 [いもうと] /younger sister/ 歌 [うた] /song/ 弟 [おとうと] /younger brother/ 男の人 [おとこのひと] /man/ お兄さん [おにいさん] /older brother/ お姉さん [おねえさん] /older sister/ 女の人 [おんなのひと] /woman/ 会社 [かいしゃ] /company/ 家族 [かぞく] /family/ 髪 [かみ] /hair/ 兄弟 [きょうだい] /brothers and sisters/ 国 [くに] /country, place of origin/ 車 [くるま] /car/ コンビニ [コンビニ] /convenience store/ 食堂 [しょくどう] /cafeteria, dining commons/ 父 [ちち] /(my) father/ Tシャツ [Tシャツ] /T-shirt/ 目 [め] /eye/ 眼鏡 [めがね] /glasses/ 頭がいい [あたまがいい] /bright, smart, clever/ かっこいい [かっこういい] /great-looking/ かわいい [かわいい] /cute/ 背が高い [せがたかい] /tall/ 背が低い [せがひくい] /short (stature)/ 長い [ながい] /long/ 速い [はやい] /fast/ 短い [みじかい] /short (length)/ 親切 [しんせつ] /kind/ 便利 [べんり] /convenient/ 歌う [うたう] /to sing/ かぶる [かぶる] /to put on (a hat)/ 知る [しる] /to get to know/ 知っています [しっています] /I know/ 知りません [しりません] /I do not know/ 住む [すむ] /to live/ はく [はく] /to put on (items below your waist)/ 太る [ふとる] /to gain weight/ 太っています [ふっています] /to be on the heavy side/ かける [かける] /to put on (glasses)/ 着る [きる] /to put on (clothes above your waist)/ 勤める [つとめる] /to work for/ やせる [] /to lose weight/ やせています [やせています] /to be thin/ 結婚する [けっこんする] /to get married/ が [が] /but/ 何も [なにも] /not ... anything/ ~人 [~にん] /(counter for people)/ 一人 [ひとり] /one person/ 二人 [ふたり] /two people/ 別に [べつに] /not ... in particular/ もちろん [もちろん] /of course/ よかったら [よかったら] /if you like/ 三人 [さんにん] /three people/ 四人 [よにん] /four people/ 五人 [ごにん] /five people/ 六人 [ろくにん] /six people/ 七人 [ななにん] /seven people/ 八人 [はちにん] /eight people/ 九人 [きゅうにん] /nine people/ 十人 [じゅうにん] /ten people/ テニスをする [テニスをする] /to play tennis/ バスケットをする [バスケットをする] /to play basketball/ テレビゲームをする [テレビゲームをする] /to play video games/ トランプをする [トランプをする] /to play cards/ ギターを弾く [ギターをひく] /to play the guitar/ ルームメイト [ルームメイト] /roommate/ 耳 [みみ] /ear/ 鼻 [はな] /nose/ 口 [くち] /mouth/ 指 [ゆび] /finger/ 歯 [は] /tooth/ 首 [くび] /neck/ 手 [て] /hand/ 頭 [あたま] /head/ 顔 [かお] /face/ 肩 [かた] /shoulder/ 胸 [むね] /chest/ 背中 [せなか] /back/ おなか [おなか] /stomach/ おしり [おしり] /behind, rear, bottom, buttocks/ 足 [あし] /leg/ お父さん [おとうさん] /father (someone else's family)/ お母さん [おかあさん] /mother (someone else's family)/ お兄さん [おにいさん] /older brother (someone else's family)/ お姉さん [おねえさん] /older sister (someone else's family)/ 弟さん [おとうとさん] /younger brother (someone else's family)/ 妹さん [いもうとさん] /younger sister (someone else's family)/ ご主人 [ごしゅじん] /husband (someone else's family)/ 奥さん [おくさん] /wife (someone else's family)/ おじいさん [おじいさん] /grandfather (someone else's family)/ おばあさん [おばあさん] /grandmother (someone else's family)/ お子さん [おこさん] /child (someone else's family)/ 父 [ちち] /father (one's own family - formal situation)/ 母 [はは] /mother (one's own family - formal situation)/ 兄 [あに] /older brother (one's own family - formal situation)/ 姉 [あね] /older sister (one's own family - formal situation)/ 弟 [おとうと] /younger brother (one's own family - formal situation)/ 妹 [いもうと] /younger sister (one's own family - formal situation)/ 主人 [しゅじん] /husband (one's own family - formal situation)/ 夫 [おっと] /husband (one's own family - formal situation)/ 家内 [かない] /wife (one's own family - formal situation)/ 妻 [つま] /wife (one's own family - formal situation)/ 祖父 [そふ] /grandfather (one's own family - formal situation)/ 祖母 [そぼ] /grandmother (one's own family - formal situation)/ うちの子 [うちのこ] /child (one's own family - formal situation)/ お父さん [おとうさん] /father (one's own family - informal situation)/ お母さん [おかあさん] /mother (one's own family - informal situation)/ お兄さん [おにいさん] /older brother (one's own family - informal situation)/ お姉さん [おねえさん] /older sister (one's own family - informal situation)/ 弟 [おとうと] /younger brother (one's own family - informal situation)/ 妹 [いもうと] /younger sister (one's own family - informal situation)/ だんな [だんな] /husband (one's own family - informal situation)/ うちの人 [うちのひと] /husband (one's own family - informal situation)/ 女房 [にょうぼう] /wife (one's own family - informal situation)/ ワイフ [ワイフ] /wife (one's own family - informal situation)/ かみさん [かみさん] /wife (one's own family - informal situation)/ おじいさん [おじいさん] /grandfather (one's own family - informal situation)/ おばあさん [おばあさん] /grandmother (one's own family - informal situation)/ うちの子 [うちのこ] /child (one's own family - informal situation)/ #end