# Instant Vocabulary Through Prefixes and Suffixes - 41. ken # by Timothy J. Vance, ISBN 0-87011-953-2 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) ~圏 [~けん] /sphere, radius/ 爆撃圏 [ばくげきけん] /bombing radius/ 爆撃 [ばくげき] /bombing/ 仏教圏 [ぶっきょうけん] /the Buddhist sphere/ 仏教 [ぶっきょう] /Buddhism/ ソ連圏 [ソれんけん] /the Soviet Bloc/ ソ連 [ソれん] /Soviet Union/ 通貨圏 [つうかけん] /currency block/ 通貨 [つうか] /currency/ 通勤圏 [つうきんけん] /commuting radius/ 通勤 [つうきん] /commuting to work/ 文化 [ぶんか] /culture/ 文化圏 [ぶんかけん] /cultural sphere/ 共産 [きょうさん] /communal ownership/ 共産圏 [きょうさんけん] /the Communist Bloc/ 勢力 [せいりょく] /influence/ 勢力圏 [せいりょくけん] /sphere of influence/ 支配 [しはい] /control/ 支配圏 [しはいけん] /sphere of control/ #end