# Instant Vocabulary Through Prefixes and Suffixes - 52. setsu # by Timothy J. Vance, ISBN 0-87011-953-2 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) ~説 [~せつ] /opinion, theory, doctrine, rumor/ ダーウィン説 [ダーウィンせつ] /Darwinian theory/ ダーウィン [ダーウィン] /Darwin/ 違憲説 [いけんせつ] /opinion that something is unconstitutional/ 違憲 [いけん] /unconstitutional/ 脳死説 [のうしせつ] /brain death theory/ 脳死 [のうし] /brain death/ 輪廻説 [りんねせつ] /doctrine of transmigration/ 輪廻 [りんね] /transmigration of souls/ 死亡説 [しぼうせつ] /rumor of someone's death/ 死亡 [しぼう] /death/ 波動 [はどう] /wave motion, undulation/ 波動説 [はどうせつ] /the wave theory (of light)/ 遺伝 [いでん] /heredity/ 遺伝説 [いでんせつ] /theory of heredity/ 大陸移動 [たいりくいどう] /continental drift/ 大陸移動説 [たいりくいどうせつ] /continental drift theory/ 自殺 [じさつ] /suicide/ 自殺説 [じさつせつ] /rumor (of, supposition concerning the possibilites) of someone's suicide/ #end