# Kanji in Context Lesson 005: 104-126 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.1 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 多い [おおい] /abundant, plenty/ 多少 [たしょう] /to a certain extent, somewhat, quantity, amount/ 多数の [たすうの] /many, a lot of/ 少ない [すくない] /few/ 少し [すこし] /a little, a few/ 少年 [しょうねん] /boy/ 少女 [しょうじょ] /girl/ 少々 [しょうしょう] /a little, a bit/ 少数の [しょうすうの] /a little, a few/ 減少 [げんしょう] /to reduce/ 明るい [あかるい] /bright, light, cheerful/ 明るむ [あかるむ] /become light/ 明らかな [あきらかな] /clear, obvious/ 明白な [めいはくな] /clear, obvious/ 説明 [せつめい] /to explain/ 証明 [しょうめい] /to prove, certify; proof, evidence/ 明日 [あした] /tomorrow/ 夜が明ける [よがあける] /day breaks/ 夜明け [よあけ] /dawn, daybreak/ 明け方 [あけがた] /dawn, daybreak/ 明くる日 [あくるひ] /the next day/ 明かり [あかり] /light/ 明かす [あかす] /stay up all night, reveal (one's identity, intentions)/ 暗い [くらい] /dark, gloomy/ 暗室 [あんしつ] /(photo) darkroom/ 明暗 [めいあん] /light and shade/ 暗示 [あんじ] /hint, suggest/ 低い [ひくい] /low, short/ 高低 [こうてい] /rise and fall, pitch, undulations/ 低気圧 [ていきあつ] /low (atmospheric) pressure/ 低める [ひくめる] /lower/ 近い [ちかい] /near/ 近道 [ちかみち] /shortcut/ 近づく [ちかづく] /approach, come near/ 近々 [ちかじか] /shortly, before long/ 近所 [きんじょ] /neighborhood/ 近日中に [きんじつちゅうに] /soon, one of these days/ 近代化 [きんだいか] /modernization/ 遠い [とおい] /far/ 永遠の [えいえんの] /eternal/ 遠足 [えんそく] /(a day) excursion, (school) trip/ 遠心力 [えんしんりょく] /centrifugal force/ 遠近法 [えんきんほう] /perspective drawing/ 久遠の [くおんの] /eternal/ 強い [つよい] /strong/ 強まる [つよまる] /become strong/ 強み [つよみ] /strong point/ 勉強 [べんきょう] /study/ 強力な [きょうりょくな] /strong, powerful/ 強制 [きょうせい] /compel, force/ 強引な [ごういんな] /forcible, overbearing/ 強いる [しいる] /compel, force/ 弱い [よわい] /weak/ 弱まる [よわまる] /become weak/ 弱点 [じゃくてん] /weak point/ 弱肉強食 [じゃくにくきょうしょく] /(a world where) the weak are victims of the strong/ 広い [ひろい] /wide, broad, large/ 広場 [ひろば] /plaza, (public) square, open space/ 広まる [ひろまる] /spread, be diffused, become popular/ 広がる [ひろがる] /spread, extend, stretch/ 広める [ひろめる] /spread, diffuse, dissiminate, make something popular/ 広げる [ひろげる] /widen, unfold, unroll, spread, extend, expand/ 広々とした [ひろびろとした] /wide, spacious/ 広大な [こうだいな] /vast/ 悪い [わるい] /bad, wrong, evil, harmful/ 悪口と言う [わるぐちという] /speak ill of/ 悪人 [あくにん] /wicked, bad person/ 悪意 [あくい] /ill will, malice/ 悪化 [あっか] /worsen/ 憎悪 [ぞうお] /hatred; hate/ 嫌悪感 [けんおかん] /hatred, disgust/ 重い [おもい] /heavy, weighty, serious (illness, injury)/ 体重 [たいじゅう] /body weight/ 重力 [じゅうりょく] /gravity/ 重大な [じゅうだいな] /serious, important, grave/ 重工業 [じゅうこうぎょう] /heavy industry/ 重点 [じゅうてん] /important point, priority, emphasis/ 重役 [じゅうやく] /company director/ 重体 [じゅうたい] /serious injured, ill, in a critical or serious condition/ 貴重な [きちょうな] /precious, valuable/ 慎重な [しんちょうな] /prudent, careful, cautious/ 重複 [じゅうふく] /be repeated, duplicated, overlap/ 二乗否定 [にじょうひてい] /double negative/ 重ねる [かさねる] /pile up, request/ 八重桜 [やえざくら] /doubled-flowered cherry tree/ 軽い [かるい] /light, slight (illness or injury)/ 手軽な [てがるな] /easy, simple/ 気軽に [きがるに] /easily, without reserve/ 軽やかな [かろやかな] /joyously, merrily/ 軽食 [けいしょく] /light meal/ 軽自動車 [けいじどうしゃ] /compact car/ 軽工業 [けいこうぎょう] /light industry/ 軽率な [けいそつな] /careless, thoughtless, rash, hasty/ 早い [はやい] /early/ 早める [はやめる] /move (the date) forward/ 素早い [すばやい] /quick, agile, nimble/ 早朝 [そうちょう] /early in the morning/ 早春 [そうしゅん] /early spring/ 早速 [さっそく] /immediately, right away/ 早急に [さっきゅうに] /immediately/ 遅い [おそい] /late, slow/ 遅れる [おくれる] /be late, be overdue, behind the times/ 遅らす [おくらす] /delay, put off/ 遅刻 [ちこく] /be late/ 暑い [あつい] /hot/ 残暑 [ざんしょ] /late summer heat/ 暑中見舞い [しょちゅうみまい] /midsummer greeting card/ 避暑地 [ひそち] /summer retreat/ 寒い [さむい] /cold/ 寒気 [さむけ] /chill, (have) the shivers/ 寒気 [かんき] /the cold, coldness/ 寒村 [かんそん] /lonely or impoverished village/ 寒天 [かんてん] /agar/ 厳寒の [げんかんの] /severely cold, coldest/ 深い [ふかい] /deep, thick/ 深める [ふかめる] /deepen, promote (better understanding, etc.)/ 深まる [ふかまる] /get deeper, deepen/ 深夜放送 [しんやほうそう] /light night, all-night broadcasting/ 水深 [すいしん] /water depth/ 浅い [あさい] /shallow, slight/ 浅薄な [せんぱくな] /shallow/ 細い [ほそい] /thin, fine, slim, slender/ やせ細る [やせほそる] /become thin, become emaciated/ 細かい [こまかい] /fine (line), detailed, trifling, small (change)/ 細部 [さいぶ] /details/ 明細書 [めいさいしょ] /detailed statement/ 細雪 [ささめゆき] /light snowfall/ 太い [ふとい] /thick, big/ 太る [ふとる] /grow fat/ 太陽 [たいよう] /the sun/ 太郎 [たろう] /(male given name)/ 丸太 [まるた] /log/ 太刀 [たち] /sword/ 若い [わかい] /young/ 若々しい [わかわかしい] /youthful/ 若者 [わかもの] /young person/ 若手 [わかて] /young (actor, etc.)/ 若人 [わこうど] /young person/ 若年労働者 [じゃくねんろうどうしゃ] /young worker/ 老若男女 [ろうじゃくだんじょ、ろうにゃくなんにょ] /men and women of all ages/ 若しくは [もしくは] /or, otherwise/ 忙しい [いそがしい] /busy/ 多忙な [たぼうな] /busy/ 忙殺される [ぼうさつされる] /be very busy (with work)/ #end