# Kanji in Context Lesson 006: 127-155 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.1 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 寝る [ねる] /fall asleep, go to bed, lie down/ 昼寝 [ひるね] /nap/ 寝かす [ねかす] /put (a child) to bed, lay down/ 寝室 [しんしつ] /bedroom/ 寝台車 [しんだいしゃ] /sleeping car/ 起きる [おきる] /get up, happen, occur/ 早起きる [はやおきる] /get up early/ 起こす [おこす] /wake up (a person), raise, sit up, bring about/ 起こる [おこる] /happen, occur/ 起立 [きりつ] /stand up/ 起源 [きげん] /origin, beginning/ 始まる [はじまる] /begin, start, commence/ 始まり [はじまり] /beginning/ 始める [はじめる] /begin, start, commence/ 始め [はじめ] /outset, beginning/ 開始 [かいし] /begin, start, commence/ 始発 [しはつ] /the first train, bus of the day/ 終る [おわる] /end, be completed/ 終える [おえる] /end, finish, complete/ 終了 [しゅうりょう] /end/ 終電 [しゅうでん] /the last train of the day/ 終点 [しゅうてん] /terminal/ 終日 [しゅうじつ] /all day (long)/ 始終 [しじゅう] /all the time/ 食べる [たべる] /eat/ 食べ物 [たべもの] /food/ 食事 [しょくじ] /meal/ 朝食 [ちょうしょく] /breakfast/ 昼食 [ちゅうしょく] /lunch/ 夕食 [ゆうしょく] /dinner, supper/ 食料 [しょくりょう] /food, provisions/ 食う [くう] /eat/ 断食 [だんじき] /fast, fasting/ 乞食 [こじき] /beggar/ 飲む [のむ] /drink, take (medicine), swallow/ 飲物 [のみもの] /drink, beverage/ 飲み水 [のみみず] /drinking water/ 飲料水 [いんりょうすい] /drinking water/ 飲食店 [いんしょくてん] /restaurant/ 飲酒運転 [いんしゅうんてん] /drunken driving/ 来る [くる] /come/ 来月 [らいげつ] /next month/ 来年 [らいねん] /next year/ 来日 [らいにち] /come to Japan/ 本来 [ほんらい] /originally, from the first/ 来る~日 [きたる~にち] /this coming ~ (date)/ 来す [きたす] /cause, bring about, lead to/ 帰る [かえる] /go back, return, leave (from work, etc.)/ 日帰り旅行 [ひがえりりょこう] /day trip/ 帰国 [きこく] /return to one's country/ 乗る [のる] /get on, ride, take (a bus, plane, etc.)/ 乗り物酔い [のりものよい] /motion sickness, carsickness, seasickness/ 乗車券 [じょしゃけん] /train, bus ticket/ 大乗仏教 [だいじょうぶっきょう] /Mahayana Buddhism/ 小乗仏教 [しょうじょうぶっきょう] /Hinayana, Theravada Buddhism/ 降りる [おりる] /get off (train, bus, etc.)/ 乗り降り [のりおり] /getting on and off/ 降ろす [おろす] /unload, drop off (a person)/ 降車口 [こうしゃぐち] /exit on a train, bus/ 降る [ふる] /fall, rain/ 降雨量 [こううりょう] /(amount of) rainfall/ 下降 [かこう] /descend/ 作る [つくる] /make, produce/ 手作りの [てづくりの] /handmade/ 作文 [さくぶん] /composition/ 作家 [さっか] /novelist/ 作者 [さくしゃ] /writer/ 名作 [めいさく] /masterpiece, fine piece (of art)/ 作品 [さくひん] /(artistic, fictional, etc.) work/ 作物 [さくもつ] /crop, agricultural product/ 動作 [どうさ] /action, movement, motion/ 作法 [さほう] /manners, form, etiquette/ 休む [やすむ] /rest, have a day off, be absent (from school, work)/ 夏休み [なつやすみ] /summer vacation/ お休みなさい [おやすみなさい] /Good night/ 一休み [ひとやすみ] /short break/ 休める [やすめる] /rest, give a rest/ 休日 [きゅうじつ] /holiday, day off/ 連休 [れんきゅう] /consecutive holidays/ 週休二日制 [しゅうきゅうふつかせい] /the five-day workweek system/ 見る [みる] /look, watch, see/ 見上げる [みあげる] /look up/ 見下ろす [みおろす] /look down (from the roof, etc.)/ 見下す [みくだす] /despise, look down on (in contempt)/ 見方 [みかた] /point of view/ 見本 [みほん] /sample/ 見える [みえる] /(can) be seen, (can) see, be in sight, appear (honorific)/ 見せる [みせる] /show/ 意見 [いけん] /opinion, idea, suggestion/ 見学 [けんがく] /visit (a factory, etc.), to learn something/ 勉強 [べんきょう] /study/ 勉学 [べんがく] /study/ 勤勉な [きんべんな] /hardworking, industrious/ 住む [すむ] /live/ 住所 [じゅうしょ] /address/ 住民 [じゅうみん] /inhabitants, residents/ 住宅 [じゅうたく] /house, residence/ 住まい [すまい] /house, dwelling/ 持つ [もつ] /have, take, carry, hold/ 持ち上げる [もちあげる] /lift (up), hold up, flatter, praise/ 気持ち [きもち] /feeling, sensation/ 支持 [しじ] /support/ 知る [しる] /know, learn, notice, be acquainted/ 知人 [ちじん] /acquaintance, friend/ 知事 [ちじ] /(prefectural) governor/ 知識 [ちしき] /knowledge, information/ 酒 [さけ] /liquor, sake/ 酒屋 [さかや] /liquor shop/ 酒場 [さかば] /bar, pub/ 日本酒 [にほんしゅ] /Japanese sake/ 飲酒運転 [いんしゅうんてん] /drunken driving/ お神酒 [おみき] /sake offered to the gods/ お茶 [おちゃ] /tea, Japanese tea/ 紅茶 [こうちゃ] /black tea/ 茶碗 [ちゃわん] /(rice) bowl, teacup/ 茶色 [ちゃいろ] /brown/ 茶の間 [ちゃのま] /living room/ 茶室 [ちゃしつ] /tea-ceremony room, house/ 茶道 [さどう、ちゃどう] /the art of the tea ceremony/ 地下鉄 [ちかてつ] /subway, underground railway/ 地下水 [ちかすい] /ground water/ 土地 [とち] /land/ 地名 [ちめい] /place name/ 地方 [ちほう] /region, district, province, countryside/ 居心地がいい [いごこちがいい] /comfortable or cozy room, feel at home/ 地震 [じしん] /earthquake/ 地面 [じめん] /surface of the earth, land, ground/ 意気地のない [いくじのない] /timid, cowardly/ 地下鉄 [ちかてつ] /subway, underground railway/ 私鉄 [してつ] /private railway/ 鉄道 [てつどう] /railroad/ 鉄 [てつ] /iron/ 学者 [がくしゃ] /scholar/ 医者 [いしゃ] /doctor/ 前者 [ぜんしゃ] /the former/ 後者 [こうしゃ] /the latter/ 第三者 [だいさんしゃ] /third person, outsider/ 若者 [わかもの] /young person/ うちのもの [うちのもの] /member of one's family or group/ 近所 [きんじょ] /neighborhood/ 住所 [じゅうしょ] /address/ 場所 [ばしょ] /place/ 研究所 [けんきゅうじょ] /(research) laboratory, research institute/ 所長 [しょちょう] /head, chief, manager (of an office)/ 名所 [めいしょ] /famous place, sight/ 発電所 [はつでんしょ] /electric power plant/ 長所 [ちょうしょ] /strong point, merit/ 短所 [たんしょ] /weak point, shortcoming/ 所得 [しょとく] /income/ 台所 [だいどころ] /kitchen/ 外国 [がいこく] /foreign country/ 外国人 [がいこくじん] /foreigner/ 外国語 [がいこくご] /foreign language/ 外来語 [がいらいご] /loan word/ 外出 [がいしゅつ] /go out/ 海外旅行 [かいがいりょこう] /travelling abroad, overseas trip/ 外 [そと] /outside/ 外の [ほかの] /another/ 外す [はずす] /take off, remove, unfasten/ 外れる [はずれる] /come off, come undone, miss (the target)/ 外科 [げか] /surgery/ 外国 [がいこく] /foreign country/ 母国語 [ぼこくご] /mother tongue/ 大国 [だいこく] /big or powerful nation/ 小国 [しょうこく] /small nation/ 中国 [ちゅうごく] /China/ 韓国 [かんこく] /the Republic of Korea, (South) Korea/ 四国 [しょこく] /Shikoku/ 国家 [こっか] /nation/ 国 [くに] /country, nation/ 国内旅行 [こくないりょこう] /travel within a country/ 館内 [かんない] /in the building/ 構内 [こうない] /in the station building/ 家内 [かない] /my wife/ 内外 [ないがい] /inside and outside/ 内側 [うちがわ] /inside/ 境内 [けいだい] /precinct (of a temple or shrine)/ 旅行 [りょこう] /trip, travel/ 旅館 [りょかん] /Japanese-style inn/ 旅 [たび] /journey, trip, travel/ 旅先 [たびさき] /destination, place where one is staying while on a journey/ 旅人 [たびびと] /traveler/ 日本語 [にほんご] /Japanese (language)/ 英語 [えいご] /English (language)/ 中国語 [ちゅうごくご] /Chinese (language)/ 外国語 [がいこくご] /foreign language/ 語学 [ごがく] /(foreign) language study/ 言語 [げんご] /language, speech/ 国語 [こくご] /(the Japanese) language (as a school subject)/ 物語 [ものがたり] /tale, story, narrative/ 語る [かたる] /talk, chat, tell (a story)/ 語り手 [かたりて] /narrator, storyteller/ 物語る [ものがたる] /narrate, show (the fact that ~)/ 英語 [えいご] /English (language)/ 英会話 [えいかいわ] /English conversation/ 英国 [えいこく] /the United Kingdom/ 大英帝国 [だいえいていこく] /the British Empire/ 英才教育 [えいさいきょういく] /special education for the gifted/ #end