# Kanji in Context Lesson 010: 208-225 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 覚える [おぼえる] /remember, memorize/ 覚えている [おぼえている] /remember, have or keep or bear something in mind/ 目が覚める [めがさめる] /wake up/ 目を覚ます [めをさます] /wake up/ 目覚し時計 [めざましとけい] /alarm (clock)/ 知覚 [ちかく] /perceive/ 感覚 [かんかく] /sense, sensation, feeling/ 忘れる [わすれる] /forget/ 忘れ物 [わすれもの] /thing left behind/ 忘年会 [ぼうねんかい] /year-end (dinner) party/ 調べる [しらべる] /study, investigate, examine/ 調子がいい [ちょうしがいい] /be in good health, be in good order/ 強調 [きょうちょう] /emphasize/ 調える [ととのえる] /prepare something, make arrangements, supply/ 続ける [つづける] /continue/ 話し続ける [はなしつづける] /continue talking or speaking/ 続く [つづく] /continue/ 降り続く [ふりつづく] /continue raining/ 続き [つづき] /continuation, continuance, sequel/ 手続き [てつづき] /procedures/ 連続 [れんぞく] /continuation, series; continue, be consecutive/ 続々と [ぞくぞくと] /one after another, in rapid succession/ 相続 [そうぞく] /inherit, succeed/ 継続 [けいぞく] /continue/ 考える [かんがえる] /think, consider, mediate/ 考え方 [かんがえかた] /way of thinking, thought, idea/ 考え [かんがえ] /idea, thought, plan, opinion, intention/ 思考 [しこう] /thinking, think/ 参考書 [さんこうしょ] /reference book/ 考古学 [こうこがく] /archeology/ 考慮 [こうりょ] /consider, take into consideration/ 答える [こたえる] /answer, reply, respond/ 答え [こたえ] /answer, reply, response/ 回答 [かいとう] /reply, answer, reply; answer, respond/ 解答 [かいとう] /answer, solution; answer, solve/ 答弁 [とうべん] /reply, answer (at an assembly)/ 教える [おしえる] /teach, tell/ 教え方 [おしえかた] /teaching method/ 教わる [おそわる] /be taught, be told/ 教室 [きょうしつ] /classroom/ 教授 [きょうじゅ] /professor; teach/ 教育 [きょういく] /education; educate/ 教会 [きょうかい] /church/ キリスト教 [キリストきょう] /Christianity/ 宗教 [しゅうきょう] /religion/ 開ける [あける] /open, make room for, vacate, empty/ 開く [あく] /open, become empty or vacant, be through with, be free (as in not busy, have no plans)/ 開店 [かいてん] /open a store/ 開始 [かいし] /start, begin/ 開会 [かいかい] /open a meeting, go into session/ 開会式 [かいかいしき] /opening ceremony/ 開通 [かいつう] /be open to traffic/ 開く [ひらく] /open, unfold, found, establish, hold (a meeting, party), bloom, blossom/ 海開き [うみひらき] /opening a beach to the public for the summer/ 開発 [かいはつ] /develop/ 展開 [てんかい] /develop, unfold/ 閉める [しめる] /shut, close/ 閉まる [しまる] /be shut or closed, shut, close/ 閉じる [とじる] /close/ 閉店 [へいてん] /close a shop/ 閉会 [へいかい] /close a meeting, adjourn/ 閉会式 [へいかいしき] /closing ceremony/ 開閉 [かいへい] /open and close/ 閉鎖 [へいさ] /close (a road, port, etc.)/ 閉ざす [とざす] /shut (one's mouth, a gate, etc.)/ 止める [とめる] /stop, turn off/ 止まる [とまる] /stop, halt, be parked/ 通行止め [つうこうどめ] /No Thoroughfare/ 中止 [ちゅうし] /stop, suspend, discontinue, cancel/ 禁止 [きんし] /forbid, prohibit, place a ban on/ 波止場 [はとば] /wharf, pier/ 焼く [やく] /burn, roast, bake, broil, grill, toast, bake, fire (pottery), scorch, be jealous/ 焼ける [やける] /be burnt, be baked, be toasted, be roasted, be suntanned/ 日焼け [ひやけ] /be suntanned/ 夕焼け [ゆうやけ] /evening glow/ 全焼 [ぜんしょう] /be burned down, be reduced to ashes/ 焼失 [しょうしつ] /be burned down, be consumed by fire/ 消す [けす] /extinguish, switch off (a light), turn off (the gas), erase, wipe out, cross out/ 取り消す [とりけす] /cancel/ 消しゴム [けしゴム] /eraser/ 消える [きえる] /disappear, go out (as in a light or candle), melt (away), die away/ 消火器 [しょうかき] /fire extinguisher/ 消化 [しょうか] /digest/ 消費者 [しょうひしゃ] /consumer/ 直す [なおす] /repair, fix, correct, revise, improve/ 見直す [みなおす] /reconsider, come to have a better opinion of/ 直る [なおる] /be repaired, be fixed/ 直通電話 [ちょくつうでんわ] /direct (phone) line/ 直流 [ちょくりゅう] /direct current, DC/ 直行便 [ちょっこうびん] /direct flight/ 直前 [ちょくぜん] /immediately before/ 直後 [ちょくご] /immediately after/ 工場直売 [こうじょうちょくばい] /selling directly from the factory/ 直接 [ちょくせつ] /directly/ 率直な [そっちょくな] /honest, frank, candid, straightforward/ 正直な [しょうじきな] /honest/ 直に [じきに] /soon, in a short time, before long, immediately/ 直ちに [ただちに] /immediately, right away/ 並べる [ならべる] /line (things) up, put side-by-side, display, list/ 並ぶ [ならぶ] /stand in a line, line up, be parallel/ 並木 [なみき] /row of trees (along a road, etc.)/ 並びに [ならびに] /and, as well as/ 並行して [へいこうして] /(do another thing) at the same time/ 変える [かえる] /change, alter, reform (a system), ammend (a regulation)/ 変わる [かわる] /change, be altered, vary, be ammended, be revised, change into/ 大変な [たいへんな] /serious, grave, terrible, dreadful/ 変な [へんな] /odd, strange, queer/ 変化 [へんか] /change, vary, transform, transition/ 残す [のこす] /leave (behind), save (for later use)/ 残る [のこる] /remain, stay/ 残らず [のこらず] /completely, without exception/ 残り [のこり] /remainder, remnant, surplus/ 残りご飯 [のこりごはん] /leftover rice, food/ 残業 [ざんぎょう] /overtime work, work overtime/ 残金 [ざんきん] /remainder, balance/ 残念な [ざんねんな] /be regrettable, be unfortunate/ 名残 [なごり] /traces, remains/ 集める [あつめる] /bring together, gather, collect, call together/ 集まる [あつまる] /gather, get together, meet, crowd, be concentrated/ 集会 [しゅうかい] /meeting, gathering, assembly/ 集金 [しゅうきん] /collect money or bills/ 集合 [しゅうごう] /gather, meet, assemble/ 集中 [しゅうちゅう] /concentrate, centralize, center on, focus on/ 収集 [しゅうしゅう] /collect, gather/ 特集 [とくしゅう] /special feature, feature/ 特集号 [とくしゅうご] /special issue/ 全集 [ぜんしゅう] /the complete works (of)/ 集う [つどう] /gather, get together, meet/ 倒す [たおす] /knock down, push over, fell, beat, defeat, kill, overthrow, topple/ 倒れる [たおれる] /fall over, collapse, break down, die, be killed, be overthrown/ 倒産 [とうさん] /go bankrupt, bankruptcy, financial failure/ #end