# Kanji in Context Lesson 012: 251-266 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 笑う [わらう] /laugh, smile/ 笑い [わらい] /laughter/ 苦笑 [くしょう] /smile wryly, give a forced laugh/ 微笑 [びしょう] /smile/ 笑顔 [えがお] /smiling face/ 笑み [えみ] /smile/ 泣く [なく] /cry/ 泣き声 [なきごえ] /cry, tearful voice/ 号泣 [ごうきゅう] /cry bitterly/ 喜ぶ [よろこぶ] /be glad, be pleased/ 喜劇 [きげき] /comedy/ 困る [こまる] /have difficulty or trouble, be in or get in trouble, be embarassed/ 困難な [こんなんな] /difficult, hard/ 怒る [おこる] /become angry/ 激怒 [げきど] /be enraged, fly into a rage/ 押す [おす] /push, press/ 押し入れ [おしいれ] /closet/ 押える [おさえる] /press or hold down, stop, restrain/ 押収 [おうしゅう] /seize, confiscate/ 引く [ひく] /pull, draw/ 長引く [ながびく] /be prolonged, be protracted/ 引き返す [ひきかえす] /turn or come back, return/ 引き出す [ひきだす] /pull out, take out, withdraw/ 引出し [ひきだし] /drawer/ 引っかかる [ひかっかる] /be caught in or by, be cheated/ 引っかける [ひかっける] /hang or suspend on ~, trap, cheat/ 引き分け [ひきわけ] /draw, tie (as in a game)/ 取り引き [とりひき] /trading, deal/ 字引 [じびき] /dictionary/ 引力 [いんりょく] /gravity, gravitational force/ 引用 [いんよう] /cite/ 引退 [いんたい] /recite/ 強引な [ごおいんな] /overbeaing, coercive, pushy/ 死ぬ [しぬ] /die, be killed/ 死人 [しにん] /dead person, the dead/ 死者 [ししゃ] /the deceased, the dead/ 死体 [したい] /dead body, corpse, cadaver/ 死 [し] /death/ 死亡 [しぼう] /die, be killed/ 吹く [ふく] /blow, exhale/ 吹雪 [ふぶき] /snowstorm, blizzard/ 息吹 [いぶき] /a breath (of spring), an emanation (of youth)/ 吹奏楽 [すいそうがく] /wind-instrument music/ 急ぐ [いそぐ] /hurry (up), hasten/ 急に [きゅうに] /suddenly/ 急行 [きゅうこう] /express (train), go in haste/ 急用 [きゅうよう] /urgent business/ 急速な [きゅうそくな] /rapid/ 咲く [さく] /bloom, blossom/ 返り咲く [かえりざく] /come back (to power)/ 置く [おく] /put, place/ 置物 [おきもの] /ornament (for an alcove, etc.)/ 物置 [ものおき] /storeroom/ 位置 [いち] /position, location, be located/ 勝つ [かつ] /win/ 勝者 [しょうしゃ] /winner/ 勝利 [しょうり] /victory/ 連勝 [れんしょう] /consecutive victories, keep on winning/ 優勝 [ゆうしょう] /win (the championship, etc.)/ 勝る [まさる] /be superior/ 選ぶ [えらぶ] /choose, select, elect/ 選出 [せんしゅつ] /elect/ 選手 [せんしゅ] /athlete/ 選挙 [せんきょ] /election, elect/ 飛ぶ [とぶ] /fly, jump, hop/ 飛び出す [とびだす] /run out, jump out/ 飛行機 [ひこうき] /airplane/ 飛行場 [ひこうじょう] /airfield/ 踏む [ふむ] /step on, tread on/ 踏切 [ふみきり] /railroad crossing/ 雑踏 [ざっとう] /crowd/ 舞踏会 [ぶとうかい] /ball, dance/ 踏まえる [ふまえる] /be based on/ #end