# Kanji in Context Lesson 015: 290-305 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 注意 [ちゅうい] /warn, caution, take notice of/ 注目 [ちゅうもく] /pay attention, watch, keep one's eyes on/ 注文 [ちゅうもん] /order/ 発注 [はっちゅう] /place an order/ 注ぐ [そそぐ] /pour/ 注意 [ちゅうい] /warn, caution, take notice of/ 意見 [いけん] /opinion/ 用意 [ようい] /prepare/ 好意 [こうい] /good will, good wishes, kindness, favor/ 意外な [いがいな] /unexpected, unforeseen/ 意地悪な [いじわるな] /mean, spiteful/ 生意気な [なまいきな] /conceited, impertinent, insolent/ 説明 [せつめい] /explain/ 解説 [かいせつ] /explain, comment on/ 小説 [しょうせつ] /novel/ 社説 [しゃせつ] /editorial/ 説教 [せっきょう] /preach (a sermon), lecture (a child)/ 説得 [せっとく] /persuade/ 仮説 [かせつ] /hypothesis/ 演説 [えんぜつ] /(political) speech; deliver a (political) speech/ 遊説 [ゆうぜい] /make an election tour, go canvassing (for votes)/ 説く [とく] /explain, expound, advocate, persuade/ 理解 [りかい] /understand, comprehend/ 見解 [けんかい] /comment, opinion/ 解決 [かいけつ] /solve, settle/ 解く [とく] /solve/ 解ける [とける] /come untied, melt away/ 解かす [とかす] /melt (snow or ice, etc.)/ 解脱 [げだつ] /emancipation from worldly attachments, salvation from earthly bondage; be emanicapted/ 参加 [さんか] /participate, take part in/ 参考書 [さんこうしょ] /reference book/ 持参 [じさん] /bring/ お参り [おまいり] /visit a shrine or temple/ 参加 [さんか] /participate, take part in/ 加工 [かこう] /process (food, etc.)/ 加入 [かにゅう] /join (a club, association, etc.)/ 加盟 [かめい] /join (a league, federation, etc.)/ 加熱 [かねつ] /heat/ 加える [くわえる] /add (one number to another), inflict (damage)/ 加わる [くわわる] /join, take part in, increase/ 練習 [れんしゅう] /practice, drill, rehearse/ 洗練された [せんれんされた] /sophisticated/ 訓練 [くんれん] /training drill/ 熟練労働者 [じゅくれんろうどうしゃ] /skilled worker/ 練る [ねる] /knead, elaborate (a scheme)/ 研究 [けんきゅう] /study, research/ 研究所 [けんきゅうじょ] /(research) laboratory, research institute/ 研修 [けんしゅう] /study and training; be trained/ 研修所 [けんしゅうじょ] /training center/ 研ぐ [とぐ] /sharpen (a knife)/ 研究 [けんきゅう] /study, research/ 究明 [きゅうめい] /look deep into, investigate, inquire into/ 究める [きわめる] /master, investigate thoroughly, get at the truth/ 連絡 [れんらく] /contact/ 連続 [れんぞく] /continuation, series; continue, be consecutive/ 国際連合 [こくさいれんごう] /the United Nations/ 国連 [こくれん] /the United Nations/ 連想 [れんそう] /be reminded of; association (of ideas)/ 関連 [かんれん] /relations, connection; be connected or associated or correlated/ 関連した [かんれんした] /related, relevant/ ~に関連して [~にかんれんして] /in connection with, in relation to, with reference to/ 連れていく [つれていく] /take someone along/ 連なる [つらなる] /range, lie or stand in a row, be strung out/ 連絡 [れんらく] /contact/ 絡む [からむ] /coil around, become entwined/ ~絡みの [~からみの] /related to/ 洗濯 [せんたく] /do the laundry/ 洗濯機 [せんたくき] /washing machine/ 洗濯物 [せんたくもの] /laundry/ 結婚 [けっこん] /marry, get married/ 結ぶ [むすぶ] /tie, fasten (together), bind, enter (a relationship with)/ 結合 [けつごう] /combine, unite/ 終結 [しゅうけつ] /end, conclude/ 結論 [けつろん] /conclusion/ 結納 [ゆいのう] /betrothal presents/ 結う [ゆう] /dress or do up (one's hair), tie (up), fasten/ 結わえる [ゆわえる] /bind, fasten, tie/ 結婚 [けっこん] /marry, get married/ 新婚旅行 [しんこんりょこう] /honeymooon/ 婚約 [こにゃく] /get engaged/ 離婚 [りこん] /divorce, get divorced/ 運転 [うんてん] /drive (a car, etc.), operate (a machine)/ 運転手 [うんてんしゅ] /driver/ 運動 [うんどう] /motion, movement, exercise, athletics, (social) movement, campaign; exercise/ 運ぶ [はこぶ] /carry, convey, transport, take (something to a place), make progress/ 運送会社 [うんそうがいしゃ] /delivery company/ 運 [うん] /fortune/ 案内 [あんない] /show around, show the way, give someone a tour of; guidance, invitation/ 案 [あん] /plan, idea/ 名案 [めいあん] /good idea/ 提案 [ていあん] /propose/ 案外 [あんがい] /unexpectedly/ # end