# Kanji in Context Lesson 016: 306-321 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 卒業 [そつぎょう] /graduate/ 卒業生 [そつぎょうせい] /graduate (person)/ 大卒 [だいそつ] /college or university graduate/ 大卒者 [だいそつしゃ] /college or university graduate/ 新卒 [しんそつ] /recent graduate/ 授業 [じゅぎょう] /class/ 事業 [じぎょう] /business/ 休業 [きゅうぎょう] /close a business (for a holiday, etc.), suspend business or operations/ 職業 [しょくぎょう] /profession, job/ 産業 [さんぎょう] /industry/ 実業家 [じつぎょうか] /businessman, entrepreneur/ 自業自得 [じぎょうじとく] /the natural consequences of one's evil deed, getting one's just deserts/ 早業 [はやわざ] /quick feat or trick/ 利用 [りよう] /use/ 使用 [しよう] /use/ 通用 [つうよう] /be available, be good, be valid/ 用事 [ようじ] /business, errand, engagement/ 用 [よう] /business, errang, engagement (casual speech)/ 用意 [ようい] /prepare/ 用心 [ようじん] /be careful, be on the alert/ 用語 [ようご] /(technical) term/ 用途 [ようと] /use/ 費用 [ひよう] /cost/ 用いる [もちいる] /use, employ, adopt/ 去年 [きょねん] /last year/ 過去 [かこ] /past/ 立ち去る [たちさる] /leave (a place)/ 趣味 [しゅみ] /interest, hobby/ 趣 [おもむき] /grace, elegance, charm/ 意味 [いみ] /significance/ 興味 [きょうみ] /interest/ 地味な [じみな] /plain, simple, quiet/ 風気味だ [かぜぎみだ] /have a slight cold/ 気味が悪い [きみがわるい] /weird, uncanny, creepy/ 正味 [しょうみ] /net (weight, quantity, etc.), full (as in "eight full hours")/ 味 [あじ] /taste, flavor/ 味わう [あじわう] /taste, experience, go through/ 調味料 [ちょうみりょう] /seasoning/ 味覚 [みかく] /sence of taste/ 三味線 [しゃみせん] /shamisen, a three-stringed banjo-like instrument/ 授業 [じゅぎょう] /class/ 教授 [きょうじゅ] /professor/ 授受 [じゅじゅ] /give and receive/ 授ける [さずける] /grant (a license), confer (a title), award (a prize)/ 橋 [はし] /bridge/ 日本橋 [にほんばし] /Nihonbashi (a place in Tokyo)/ 日本橋 [にほんばし] /Nipponbashi (a place in Osaka)/ 歩道橋 [ほどうばし] /pedestrian bridge/ 鉄橋 [てっきょう] /railway bridge/ 花 [はな] /flower/ 花屋 [はなや] /florist, flower shop, flower stall/ 生け花 [いけばな] /ikebana, the art of flower arrangement/ お花見 [おはなみ] /cherry blossom viewing/ 花火 [はなび] /firework/ 花壇 [かだん] /flower bed/ 薬 [くすり] /drug, medicine/ 薬屋 [くすりや] /pharmacy, drugstore/ 薬局 [やっきょく] /pharmacy/ 薬学 [やくがく] /pharmacy, pharmaceutics/ 薬味 [やくみ] /spice/ 色 [いろ] /color/ 茶色 [ちゃいろ] /brown/ ~色の [~いろの] /~ colored/ 色紙 [いろがみ] /colored paper/ 色づく [いろづく] /turn color (as in leaves)/ 色っぱい [いろっぱい] /erotic, seductive, sexy/ 色気 [いろけ] /sex appeal/ 色気がる [いろけがある] /be very interested in, have an inclination for, sexy/ 好色な [こうしょくな] /lustful, erotic/ 色紙 [しきし] /square piece of fancy paper (for writing a poem, etc.)/ 色彩 [しきさい] /hue, tint, coloring, color/ 原色 [げんしょく] /primary color/ 特色 [とくしょく] /distinguishing characteristics/ 景色 [けしき] /view, landscape/ 服 [ふく] /clothes/ 洋服 [ようふく] /Western-style clothes/ 和服 [わふく] /Japanese-style clothes, kimono/ 服装 [ふくそう] /(a way of) dressing, clothes/ 征服 [せいふく] /conquer/ 着服 [ちゃくふく] /embezzle/ 客 [きゃく] /guest, customer/ 客間 [きゃくま] /guest room (in a house)/ 乗客 [じょうきゃく] /passenger/ 旅客機 [りょかくき] /passenger airplane/ お客様 [おきゃくさま] /guest, customer (honorific)/ 客観的な [きゃっかんてきな] /objective/ 犬 [いぬ] /dog/ 小犬 [こいぬ] /puppy/ 子犬 [こいぬ] /puppy/ 野犬 [やけん] /stray dog/ 文 [ぶん] /sentence, passage/ 作文 [さぶん] /composition, essay/ 文学 [ぶんがく] /literature/ 文体 [ぶんたい] /style/ 文語 [ぶんご] /literature language, expression/ 文明 [ぶんめい] /civilization/ 文化 [ぶんか] /culture/ 人文科学 [じんぶんかがく] /humanities/ 文字 [もじ] /letter (of the alphabet, etc.)/ 文盲率 [もんもうりつ] /illiteracy rate/ 文 [ふみ] /letter/ 飲物 [のみもの] /drink, message/ 食べ物 [たべもの] /food/ 物 [もの] /thing, object, substance, article/ 本物 [ほのもの] /genuine article, real thing/ 偽物 [にせもの] /imitation, sham, fake/ 名物 [めいぶつ] /local specialty, well-known product/ 生き物 [いきもの] /living thing, creature, animal, life/ 動物 [どうぶつ] /animal/ 植物 [しょくぶつ] /plant/ 生物 [せいぶつ] /living thing, organism/ 生物学 [せいぶつがく] /biology/ 物理的に [ぶつりてきに] /physically/ 物理学 [ぶつりがく] /physics/ 物質 [ぶっしつ] /matter, substance/ 物価 [ぶっか] /prices/ 食物 [しょくもの] /food/ # end