# Kanji in Context Lesson 018: 339-350 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 暖かい [あたたかい] /warm/ 暖める [あたためる] /warm, heat/ 暖まる [あたたまる] /get warm, be warmed/ 暖冬 [だんとう] /mild winter/ 暖房 [だんぼう] /heating; heat (a room)/ 温暖な [おんだんな] /warm, mild, temperate/ 涼しい [すずしい] /cool/ 夕涼み [ゆうすずみ] /enjoying the cool of evening, cooling off in the evening/ 涼む [すずむ] /cool oneself, cool off/ 涼風 [りょうふう] /cool or refreshing breeze/ 清涼飲料 [せいりょういんりょう] /refreshing beverage, soft drink/ 悲しい [かなしい] /sad, sorrowful/ 悲しむ [かなしむ] /feel sad, lament, deplore/ 悲劇 [ひげき] /tragedy, tragic event/ 非運 [ひうん] /misfortune, bad luck/ 苦しい [くるしい] /painful, difficult, hard/ 重苦しい [おもくるしい] /oppressive, gloomy/ 苦しむ [くるしむ] /suffer, be in pain/ 苦しめる [くるしめる] /cause pain, cause distress, torement, annoy/ 苦心 [くしん] /take pains, work hard/ 苦労 [くろう] /suffer, trouble, labor/ 苦い [にがい] /bitter/ 苦り切る [にがりきる] /be disgusted or displeased/ 楽しい [たのしい] /fun, enjoyable/ 楽しみ [たのしみ] /pleasure, joy, fun/ 楽しむ [たのしむ] /enjoy, have fun/ 音楽 [おんがく] /music/ 楽器 [がっき] /musical instrumnet/ 楽な [らくな] /easy, comfortable/ 気楽に [きらくに] /without worry or hesitation/ 安楽死 [あんらくし] /euthenasia, mercy killing/ 楽園 [らくえん] /paradise/ 快楽主義 [かいらくしゅぎ] /hedonism, epicureanism/ 娯楽 [ごらく] /amusement, recreation/ 神楽 [かぐら] /kagura (Shinto sacred music and dance)/ 辛い [からい] /(spicy) hot, salty/ 辛口の [からくちの] /dry (wine, beer, etc.)/ 塩辛い [しおからい] /salty/ 辛うじて [かろうじて] /barely, narrowly, with difficulty/ 香辛料 [こうしんりょう] /spices/ 甘い [あまい] /sweet/ 甘える [あまえる] /behave like a spoiled child, demand attention/ 甘やかす [あまやかす] /indulge, pamper, spoil/ 甘口の [あまくちの] /sweet (wine, sake, etc.)/ 甘味料 [かんみりょう] /sweetener/ 甘美な [かんびな] /sweet/ 痛い [いたい] /hurt, be painful/ 痛み [いたみ] /pain, ache/ 痛む [いたむ] /hurt, ache, have pain/ 痛ましい [いたましい] /pitiful, sad, miserable/ 痛手 [いたで] /damage/ 頭痛 [ずつう] /headache/ 苦痛 [くつう] /pain, agony/ 痛快な [つうかいな] /delightful, exciting, thrilling/ 有名な [ゆうめいな] /famous/ 国有地 [こくゆうち] /national land/ 私有地 [しゆうち] /privately-owned land/ 所有 [しょゆう] /own/ 有る [ある] /exist/ 有り金 [ありがね] /money on hand, all the money one has/ 有無 [うむ] /existance, presence, yes or no/ 希有な [けうな] /rare, uncommon/ 退屈な [たいくつな] /tedious, boring, monotonous/ 早退 [そうたい] /leave school or the office early/ 退院 [たいいん] /leave the hospital, be discharged from the hospital/ 退学 [たいがく] /withdraw from school/ 退席 [たいせき] /to leave one's seat or the room/ 引退 [いんたい] /retire (from active life)/ 退却 [たいきゃく] /retreat, withdraw/ 退く [しりぞく] /retreat, step back, withdraw, retire/ 立ち退く [たちのく] /move out, evacuate, vacate, withdraw/ 退屈な [たいくつな] /tedious, monotonous, boring/ 理屈 [りくつ] /argument, theory, reason, logic/ 不屈の [ふくつの] /indomitable, unyielding/ 屈する [くっする] /yield to, give in to/ 屈伸 [くっしん] /bending and stretching (exercises)/ 屈辱 [くつじょく] /humiliation, disgrace, insult/ 同じ [おなじ] /same, identical/ 同一の [どういつの] /same, identical/ 同一人物 [どういつじんぶつ] /the same person/ 同時な [どうじな] /at the same time/ 同意 [どうい] /agree, consent/ 同情 [どうじょう] /sympathize/ 同居 [どうきょ] /live together/ 共同声明 [きょうどうせいめい] /joint communique/ 協同組合 [きょうどうくみあい] /cooperative/ 混同 [こんどう] /confuse (something for something else)/ # end