# Kanji in Context Lesson 023 : 395-404 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 社員 [しゃいん] /company worker/ 会社員 [かいしゃいん] /company worker/ 銀行員 [ぎんこういん] /bank employee/ 教員 [きょういん] /teacher/ 工員 [こういん] /factory worker/ 会員 [かいいん] /member (of a club or society)/ 全員 [ぜんいん] /all members, entire staff/ 定員 [ていいん] /(seating) capacity, quota/ 人員削減 [じんいんさくげん] /personnel cut, reduction, layoff/ 損 [そん] /loss, deficit; lose/ 損失 [そんしつ] /loss, deficit/ 損なう [そこなう] /hurt, damage/ 別の [べつの] /different, separate, another/ 区別 [くべつ] /distinguish, differentiate/ 別居 [べつきょ] /live apart/ 別人 [べつじん] /different person/ 差別 [さべつ] /discriminate/ 別荘 [べっそう] /country villa, country cottage, summer house/ 別れる [わかれる] /part from, separate from a person/ 特別な [とくべつな] /special, particular/ 特急 [とっきゅう] /special express (train)/ 特色 [とくしょく] /special characteristic/ 特長 [とくちょう] /special characteristic/ 特徴 [とくちょう] /distinctive feature/ 特売 [とくばい] /bargain sale/ 特に [とくに] /specially, particularly/ 特有の [とくゆうの] /characteristic of, peculiar to/ 独特の [どくとくの] /peculiar, original, unique/ 点 [てん] /point/ 百点 [ひゃくてん] /full marks, perfect score (on a test)/ 出発点 [しゅっぱつてん] /starting point/ 原点 [げんてん] /origin (of coordinates or axes)/ 点字 [てんじ] /braille/ 点火 [てんか] /ignite/ 点検 [てんけん] /check/ 点々と [てんてんと] /here and there, sporadically, in drops/ 無理な [むりな] /impossible/ 無名の [むめいの] /unknown/ 無地の [むじの] /plain, unfigured/ 無料の [むりょうの] /free (of charge)/ 無口な [むくちな] /taciturn, reticent/ 無心に [むしんに] /innocently/ 無事に [ぶじに] /safely, with no problems/ 無い [ない] /not have, not exist/ 自然 [しぜん] /nature/ 当然 [とうぜん] /naturally, as a matter of course/ 当時 [とうじ] /at that time/ 見当 [けんとう] /estimate/ 手当 [てあて] /allowance, medical treatment; treat (a cut, burn, etc.)/ 当たる [あたる] /hit/ 日当たりがいい [ひあたりがいい] /be sunny, have lots of sunshine/ 当たり前 [あたりまえ] /natural, proper/ 当てはめる [あてはめる] /apply (a rule, etc.)/ 一人当たり [ひとりあたり] /per person, per capita/ 心当たり [こころあたり] /idea/ 予定 [よてい] /plan, schedule; make a plan, prearrange/ 予約 [よやく] /reservation, appointment; reserve, make an appointment/ 予想 [よそう] /expect, foresee/ 地震予知 [じしんよち] /earthquake prediction/ 天気予報 [てんきよほう] /weather forecast/ 分野 [ぶんや] /field (of studies, etc.)/ 野生の [やせいの] /wild/ 野菜 [やさい] /vegetable/ 平野 [へいや] /plain, flat land/ 野原 [のはら] /field, plain/ # end