# Kanji in Context Lesson 026 : 427-438 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 普通の [ふつうの] /common, ordinary/ 普段の [ふだんの] /usual/ 普段着 [ふだんぎ] /everyday clothes/ 普遍的な [ふへんてきな] /universal/ 普及 [ふきゅう] /diffuse, spread/ 昔 [むかし] /long ago, before (in contrast to "the present")/ 昔話 [むかしばなし] /old tale/ 大昔 [おおむかし] /ancient times/ 昔日 [せきじつ] /old days/ 今昔物語 [こんじゃくものがたり] /Konjaku Monogatari (a collection of folktales edited in the 11th century)/ 増える [ふえる] /increase/ 増やす [ふやす] /increase/ 増加 [ぞうか] /increase/ 増大 [ぞうだい] /expand, increase/ 倍増 [ばいぞう] /double/ 増税 [ぞうぜい] /tax increase or hike; increase or raise taxes/ 増産 [ぞうさん] /expansion of production; expand production/ 増す [ます] /increase/ 減る [へる] /decrease/ 減らす [へらす] /decrease/ 減少 [げんしょう] /decrease/ 半減 [はんげん] /reduce by half, take off half, decrease by half/ 増減 [ぞうげん] /increase and decrease/ 加減 [かげん] /addition and subtraction, state, condition; regulate, adjust/ 減税 [げんぜい] /tax reduction or cut; reduce or cut taxes/ 減産 [げんさん] /reduction of production; reduce production/ 感じる [かんじる] /feel, sense/ 感想 [かんそう] /impressions, one's thoughts/ 感心 [かんしん] /be impressed/ 五感 [ごかん] /five senses/ 感受性 [かんじゅせい] /sensibility, sensitivity/ 感情 [かんじょう] /feelings, emotion/ 留学 [りゅうがく] /study abroad/ 書留 [かきとめ] /registered mail/ 留守 [るす] /absence from home/ 留守番電話 [るすばんでんわ] /answering machine/ 留める [とめる] /stop, detain, fix in one position/ 貿易 [ぼうえき] /trade; trade, do business with/ 貿易摩擦 [ぼえきまさつ] /trade friction/ 易しい [やさしい] /easy/ 容易な [よういんな] /easy, simple/ 難易度 [なんいど] /degree of difficulty/ 交易 [こうえき] /trade, commerce, barter; trade, exchange, barter/ 易者 [えきしゃ] /fortune-teller/ 量 [りょう] /quantity, amount/ 大量の [たいりょうの] /large amount of/ 少量の [しょうりょうの] /small amount of/ 分量 [ぶんりょう] /quantity/ 雨量 [うりょう] /amount of rainfall/ 重量 [じゅうりょう] /weight (of a vehicle, machine, etc)/ 大量生産 [たいりょうせいさん] /mass production; mass produce/ 量る [はかる] /measure (amount or weight)/ 裏 [うら] /reverse side, back/ 裏返す [うらがえす] /turn inside out/ 裏口 [うらぐち] /back door, rear entrance/ 裏切る [うらぎる] /betray/ 表裏のない [ひょうりのない] /single-minded/ 表裏一体の [ひょうりいったいの] /one and indivisible/ 表 [おもて] /surface, front/ 裏表のある人 [うらおもてのあるひと] /double-dealer, hypocrite/ 表 [ひょう] /table, chart/ 表紙 [ひょうし] /cover (of a book, magazine)/ 発表 [はっぴょう] /announce, make public, present (findings, etc.)/ 公表 [こうひょう] /make public, publically announce/ 代表的な [だいひょうてきな] /representative, typical/ 表す [あらわす] /express/ 表れる [あらわれる] /be expressed/ 表れ [あらわれ] /manifestation, expression/ 面白い [おもしろい] /interesting/ 面 [めん] /mask, surface, aspect/ 表面 [ひょうめん] /surface, exterior/ 水面 [すいめん] /surface of the water/ 洗面所 [せんめんじょ] /lavatory, washroom, toilet/ 場面 [ばめん] /situation, scene/ 面倒 [めんどう] /care, trouble/ ~方面 [~ほうめん] /~ direction, ~side/ 面会人 [めんかいにん] /vistor to a hospitalized or imprisoned person/ 面目 [めんぼく] /face, honor, dignity/ 面影 [おもかげ] /looks, trace/ 面 [おもて] /face, surface/ 面 [つら] /surface, face (impolite) # end