# Kanji in Context Lesson 032 : 503-514 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 郊外 [こうがい] /suburbs, outskirts/ 近郊 []きんこう /subsurbs, outskirts, environs/ 交通 [こうつう] /traffic/ 外交 [がいこう] /diplomacy/ 国交 [こっこう] /diplomatic relations/ 交ざる [まざる] /be mixed/ 交わす [かわす] /exchange/ 交わる [まじわる] /have an exchange/ 交渉 [こうしょう] /negotiate/ 干渉 [かんしょう] /interfere, meddle/ 干す [ほす] /dry/ 干る [ひる] /get dry, parch/ 汗 [あせ] /sweat/ 冷汗 [ひやあせ] /cold sweat/ 発汗 [はっかん] /perspire/ ~軒 [~けん] /(counter for houses)/ 軒並み [のきなみ] /at every house, from one item to another/ 軒 [のき] /eaves/ 軒先 [のきさき] /edge of the eaves, front of the house/ 人形 [にんぎょう] /doll/ 形 [かたち] /shape, form, figure/ 三角形 [さんかくけい] /triangle/ 正方形 [せいほうけい] /square/ 長方形 [ちょうほうけい] /rectangle/ 無形の [むけいの] /invisible, intangible/ 手形 [てがた] /draft (as in "pay by draft")/ 枠 [わく] /frame, quota/ 窓枠 [まどわく] /window frame/ 輸入枠 [ゆにゅうわく] /import quota/ 枠組 [わくぐみ] /framework/ 機械 [きかい] /machine/ 機械化 [きかいか] /mechanization; mechanize, introduce machinery/ 知識 [ちしき] /knowledge/ 意識 [いしき] /consciousness, awareness; be conscious, be aware, feel/ 識別 [しきべつ] /discriminate (something from another), discern/ 常識 [じょうしき] /common sense/ 認識 [にんしき] /recognize, understand, perceive/ 職業 [しょくぎょう] /occupation, profession/ 職場 [しょくば] /place of work, workplace/ 職員 [しょくいん] /personnel, staff, staff member/ 職 [しょく] /job/ 職人 [しょくにん] /artisan, workman/ 現職の [げんしょくの] /current (Diet member, governor, mayor, etc.)/ 無職の [むしょくの] /unemployed/ 就職 [しゅうしょく] /find work/ 就業時間 [しゅうぎょうじかん] /working hours/ 就任 [しゅうにん] /assume (a post)/ 就く [つく] /take a seat, take office, get a job/ 成就 [じょうじゅ] /accomplish, attain/ # end