# Kanji in Context Lesson 039 : 583-594 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 未来 [みらい] /future/ 未婚の [みこんの] /unmarried/ 未知の [みちの] /unknown/ 未亡人 [みぼうじん] /widow/ 未明 [みめい] /early dawn, before daybreak/ 前代未聞の [ぜんだいみもんの] /unheard of, unprecedented/ 週末 [しゅうまつ] /weekend/ 月末 [げつまつ] /end of the month/ 年末 [ねんまつ] /end of the year/ 末っ子 [すえっこ] /youngest child/ 末子 [ばっし、まっし] /youngest child/ 申し上げる [もうしあげる] /say, tell (humble)/ 申し入れ [もうしいれ] /offer, propsal/ 答申 [とうしん] /report (of a committee); submit a report/ 神 [かみ] /god/ 神風 [かみかぜ] /kamikaze, divine wind/ 神社 [じんじゃ] /shrine/ 神話 [しんわ] /myth, mythology/ 神父 [しんぶ] /Catholic priest, Father/ 神主 [かんぬし] /Shinto priest/ 神楽 [かぐら] /kagura (sacred music and dancing of Shinto)/ 神々しい [こうごうしい] /divine, holy/ 存在 [そんざい] /exist/ 生存 [せいぞん] /exist, survive/ 生存者 [せいぞんしゃ] /survivor/ 共存 [きょうぞん] /coexist/ ご存じだ [ごぞんじだ] /know (honorific)/ 存じる [ぞんじる] /know (humble)/ 存在 [そんざい] /exist/ 現在 [げんざい] /present, current/ 在日外国人 [ざいにちがいこくじん] /foreigners residing in Japan/ 在学 [ざいがく] /be in school, be enrolled (at)/ 不在だ [ふざいだ] /be away, be absent/ 在る [ある] /exist/ 座禅 [ざぜん] /Zen meditation (in a cross-legged position)/ 禅寺 [ぜんでら] /Zen temple/ 禅宗 [ぜんしゅう] /Zen sect/ 禅僧 [ぜんそう] /Zen priest or monk/ 弾 [たま] /bullet/ 弾薬 [だんやく] /ammunition/ 弾頭 [だんとう] /warhead/ 核弾頭 [かくだんとう] /nuclear warhead/ 爆弾 [ばくだん] /bomb/ 弾力 [だんりょく] /elasticity/ 弾む [はずむ] /bounce, rebound/ 弾く [ひく] /play (a piano, guitar, etc.)/ 丸い [まるい] /round/ 丸太 [まるた] /log/ 丸 [まる] /circle, ball, whole/ 丸める [まるめる] /make round/ 弾丸 [だんがん] /bullet/ 弓 [ゆみ] /bow/ 弓道 [きゅうどう] /Japanese archery/ 矢 [や] /arrow/ 弓矢 [ゆみや] /bow and arrow/ 一矢を報いる [いっしをむくいる] /retort, retaliate/ 失業 [しつぎょう] /lose one's job, be out of work/ 失恋 [しつれん] /be unlucky in love, have a broken heart/ 失望 [しつぼう] /be disappointed/ 失神 [しっしん] /faint, lose consciousness/ 失敗 [しっぱい] /fail/ 失礼な [しつれいな] /impolite/ 失う [うしなう] /lose/ 見失う [みうしなう] /lose sight of, lose one's way/ # end