# Kanji in Context Lesson 040 : 595-606 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 夫 [おっと] /husband/ ~夫人 [~ふじん] /Mrs. ~/ 夫婦 [ふうふ] /husband and wife, married couple/ 工夫 [くふう] /devise, work out (a plan)/ 妻 [つま] /wife/ 妻子 [さいし] /wife and child(ren)/ ~夫妻 [~ふさい] /Mr. and Mrs. ~/ 良妻賢母 [りょうさいげんぼ] /being a good wife and wise mother/ 夫婦 [ふうふ] /husband and wife, married couple/ 主婦 [しゅふ] /housewife/ 婦人服 [ふじんふく] /women's clothes/ 婦長 [ふちょう] /head nurse/ 姓 [せい] /surname, last name/ 同姓 [どうせい] /same surname/ 夫婦別姓 [ふうふべつせい] /use of different surnames by a married couple/ 旧姓 [きゅうせい] /one's maiden name/ 百姓 [ひゃくしょう] /farmer/ 花嫁 [はなよめ] /bride/ 嫁 [よめ] /bride/ 責任転嫁 [せきにんてんか] /shift the responsibility (for something on someone)/ 嫁ぐ [とつぐ] /get married/ 花婿 [はなむこ] /bridegroom/ 婿養子 [むこようし] /son-in-law who has married into the family/ 女婿 [じょせい] /son-in-law/ 娘 [むすめ] /(my) daughter, young woman/ 良い [よい] /good/ 最良の [さいりょうの] /best/ 消化不良 [しょうかふりょう] /indigestion/ 不良 [ふりょう] /delinquent/ 不良品 [ふりょうひん] /defective product/ 良心 [りょうしん] /conscience/ 野良犬 [のらいぬ] /ownerless or stray dog/ 飾る [かざる] /decorate, adorn/ 着飾る [きかざる] /dress up/ 修飾 [しゅうしょく] /modify (in grammar)/ 装飾品 [そうしょくひん] /ornament, decoration/ ご飯 [ごはん] /cooked rice, meal, food/ 夕飯 [ゆうはん] /dinner/ 赤飯 [せきはん] /rice cooked with adzuki beans/ 飯 [めし] /cooked rice, meal, food/ 坂 [さか] /slope/ 登坂 [とうはん、とはん] /go up a slope/ 皆さん [みなさん] /everybody/ 皆勤 [かいきん] /perfect attendance (at work); have perfect attendance/ 皆無 [かいむ] /nonexistent/ # end