# Kanji in Context Lesson 041 : 607-618 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 階段 [かいだん] /stairs/ 段 [だん] /steps/ 石段 [いしだん] /flight of stone steps/ 段階 [だんかい] /stage (in a project, etc.)/ 手段 [しゅだん] /means, measure/ 一段と [いちだんと] /further, even more/ 役所 [やくしょ] /government office/ 役人 [やくにん] /government official/ 役員 [やくいん] /official, executive/ 役者 [やくしゃ] /actor/ 役目 [やくめ] /duty, function/ 主役 [しゅやく] /star (in a play)/ 役に立つ [やくにたつ] /useful/ 役割 [やくわり] /role, part/ 兵役 [へいえき] /military service/ 殺す [ころす] /kill/ 人殺し [ひとごろし] /murder, murderer/ 自殺 [じさつ] /commit suicide/ 暗殺 [あんさつ] /assassinate/ 殺人 [さつじん] /murder/ 相殺 [そうさい] /compensate/ 殺生 [せっしょう] /destroy, take life/ 施設 [しせつ] /facility/ 設立 [せつりつ] /establish/ 新設校 [しんせつこう] /newly established school/ 設置 [せっち] /establish/ 設ける [もうける] /establish, provide/ 施設 [しせつ] /facility/ 試行 [しこう] /enforce, put in force/ 実施 [じっし] /put into practice/ 施工 [せこう] /construct, carry out a construction project/ 施す [ほどこす] /give, give alms/ 準備 [じゅんび] /prepare/ 設備 [せつび] /facilities/ 予備の [よびの] /reserve/ 備考 [びこう] /notes, remarks/ 軍備 [ぐんび] /armaments, military preparedness/ 整備 [せいび] /service (an airplane), fix (a machine), fit out (a ship), provide (facility, equipment, etc.)/ 備える [そなえる] /prepare for, be furnished or equipped with/ 準備 [じゅんび] /prepare/ 水準 [すいじゅん] /level, standard/ 基準 [きじゅん] /standard/ 規準 [きじゅん] /criterion, standard/ 準決勝 [じゅんけっしょう] /semifinal game/ 成長率 [せいちょうりつ] /(economic) growth rate/ 出生率 [しゅっしょうりつ] /birthrate/ 率 [りつ] /rate/ 倍率 [ばいりつ] /degree of magnification/ 効率 [こうりつ] /efficiency/ 能率 [のうりつ] /efficiency/ 率直な [そっちょくな] /straightforward, frank/ 軽率な [けいそつな] /rash, hasty, careless, thoughtless/ 率いる [ひきいる] /lead, command/ 講演 [こうえん] /lecture; give a lecture/ 公演 [こうえん] /public performance; perform in public/ 出演 [しゅつえん] /appear (in a movie, play, etc.)/ 上演 [じょうえん] /put (a play) on the stage, present (a drama)/ 演技 [えんぎ] /performance; act, perform/ 演習 [えんしゅう] /seminar/ 演奏 [えんそう] /musical performance; give a musical performance/ 演じる [えんじる] /perform/ 絵 [え] /painting, drawing/ 絵本 [えほん] /picture book/ 絵画 [かいが] /painting/ 給料 [きゅうりょう] /salary/ 月給 [げっきゅう] /monthly salary/ 供給 [きょうきゅう] /supply/ # end