# Kanji in Context Lesson 046 : 663-673 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 文句 [もんく] /grumbling, complaint, words/ 語句 [ごく] /words and phrases/ 上旬 [じょうじゅん] /the first ten days of a month/ 中旬 [ちゅうじゅん] /the middle ten days of a month/ 下旬 [げじゅん] /the last ten days of a month/ 初旬 [しょじゅん] /(during) the first ten days of a month/ 保証人 [ほしょうにん] /guarantor/ 保証 [ほしょう] /guarantee/ 保存 [ほぞん] /preserve, conserve/ 保険 [ほけん] /insurance/ 保健 [ほけん] /health care/ 保障 [ほしょう] /secure/ 保育園 [ほいくえん] /nursery school/ 保つ [たもつ] /maintain, keep (warmth, relationship, etc.)/ 証明 [しょうめい] /prove/ 証人 [しょうにん] /witness/ 証言 [しょうげん] /testify, give evidence/ 証拠 [しょうこ] /evidence/ 許可 [きょか] /allow, permit/ 特許 [とっきょ] /patent/ 許容 [きょよう] /allow, permit/ 免許 [めんきょ] /license/ 許す [ゆるす] /allow, permit, forgive/ 認める [みとめる] /prove, allow, admit/ 認識 [にんしき] /recognize, understand, perceive/ 公認の [こうにんの] /officially recognized, authorized, certified/ 確認 [かくにん] /confirm/ 課長 [かちょう] /section chief, manager/ 課 [か] /section, department/ 人事課 [じんじか] /personnel department/ 経理課 [けいりか] /accounting department/ 第~課 [だい~か] /section ~, lesson ~/ 課題 [かだい] /assignment, task/ 日課 [にっか] /daily work/ 課する [かする] /impose (a tax, duty, etc.)/ 税金 [ぜいきん] /tax/ 関税 [かんぜい] /customs/ 税関 [ぜいかん] /customs, customs house/ 所得税 [しょとくぜい] /income tax/ 無税 [むぜい] /tax-free/ 課税 [かぜい] /impose a tax/ 免税 [めんぜい] /tax exemption; make (a product, etc.) exempt from tax/ 程度 [ていど] /degree, extent/ 課程 [かてい] /course, program (of a school)/ 過程 [かてい] /process/ 日程 [にってい] /schedule/ 程々に [ほどほどに] /moderately/ 事実 [じじつ] /fact/ 真実 [しんじつ] /truth/ 口実 [こうじつ] /excuse/ 実習 [じっしゅう] /practice/ 実感 [じっかん] /realize, experience personally/ 実行 [じっこう] /put into practice, carry out/ 実力 [じつりょく] /actual ability, potential/ 実物 [じつぶつ] /the real thing/ 実際に [じっさいに] /as a mater of fact, actually/ 実用的な [じつようてきな] /practical/ 実は [じつは] /actually, to tell the truth/ 実例 [じつれい] /example/ 実に [じつに] /surely, really/ 果実酒 [かじつしゅ] /fruit wine/ 実 [み] /fruit/ 実 [みのる] /bear fruit/ 美人 [びじん] /beautiful woman/ 美術館 [びじゅつかん] /art museum/ 美学 [びがく] /aesthetics/ 美しい [うつくしい] /pretty, beautiful/ # end