# Kanji in Context Lesson 053 : 739-749 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) ~才 [~さい] /~ years old/ 天才 [てんさい] /genius/ 才能 [さいのう] /talent/ 多才な [たさいな] /versatile (person)/ 材料 [ざいりょう] /material/ 教材 [きょうざい] /teaching material/ 取材 [しゅざい] /gather material, collect data/ 題材 [だいざい] /theme/ 材木 [ざいもく] /lumber, timber/ 木材 [もくざい] /wood/ 新素材 [しんそざい] /new materials/ 財産 [ざいさん] /estate, assets, property/ 財政 [ざいせい] /finance/ 財界 [ざいかい] /business world/ 財団 [ざいだん] /foundation/ ロックフェラー財団 [ロックフェラーざいだん] /the Rockefeller Foundation/ 文化財 [ぶんかざい] /cultural asset/ 財布 [さいふ] /purse, wallet/ 貯金 [ちょきん] /savings, deposit; save money/ 貯水池 [ちょすいち] /reservoir/ 貯蔵 [ちょぞう] /store/ 貯蓄 [ちょちく] /savings; save money/ 備蓄 [びちく] /store or save or reserve (something for an emergency)/ 蓄積 [ちくせき] /accumulate/ 氏名 [しめい] /name (used for people)/ ~氏 [~し] /Mr. or Ms. ~/ 氏神 [うじがみ] /guardian god (of a village)/ 海底 [かいてい] /bottom of the sea/ 根底 [こんてい] /bottom (in an abstract sense)/ 底 [そこ] /bottom/ 底値 [そこね] /bottom piece/ 抵抗 [ていこう] /resist/ 大抵 [たいてい] /usually/ 抵当 [ていとう] /mortgage/ 抵触 [ていしょく] /conflict (with the law)/ 抵抗 [ていこう] /resist/ 反抗 [はんこう] /oppose, disobey/ 反抗的な [はんこうてきな] /defiant/ 抗議 [こうぎ] /protest/ 抗争 [こうそう] /rivalry, war/ 抗ガン剤 [こうガンざい] /anti-cancer drug/ 直接 [ちょくせつ] /direct/ 間接的に [かんせつてきに] /indirectly/ 面接 [めんせつ] /give an interview/ 接近 [せっきん] /approach/ 接続 [せつぞく] /connect/ 接待 [せったい] /entertain (usually for a business client)/ 接ぐ [つぐ] /connect/ # end